Modeling and Optimization in Software-Defined Networks
暫譯: 軟體定義網路中的建模與優化

Konstantinos Poularakis , Leandros Tassiulas , T. V. Lakshman

  • 出版商: Morgan & Claypool
  • 出版日期: 2021-10-04
  • 售價: $2,560
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,432
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 174
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1636391591
  • ISBN-13: 9781636391595
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book provides a quick reference and insights into modeling and optimization of software-defined networks (SDNs). It covers various algorithms and approaches that have been developed for optimizations related to the control plane, the considerable research related to data plane optimization, and topics that have significant potential for research and advances to the state-of-the-art in SDN.

Over the past ten years, network programmability has transitioned from research concepts to more mainstream technology through the advent of technologies amenable to programmability such as service chaining, virtual network functions, and programmability of the data plane. However, the rapid development in SDN technologies has been the key driver behind its evolution.

The logically centralized abstraction of network states enabled by SDN facilitates programmability and use of sophisticated optimization and control algorithms for enhancing network performance, policy management, and security.Furthermore, the centralized aggregation of network telemetry facilitates use of data-driven machine learning-based methods. To fully unleash the power of this new SDN paradigm, though, various architectural design, deployment, and operations questions need to be addressed. Associated with these are various modeling, resource allocation, and optimization opportunities.The book covers these opportunities and associated challenges, which represent a ``call to arms'' for the SDN community to develop new modeling and optimization methods that will complement or improve on the current norms.






Konstantinos Poularakis is a Research Scientist at Yale University. His research interests lie in the area of network optimization and machine learning with emphasis on emerging architectures such as software-defined networks, mobile edge computing, and caching networks. His research has been recognized by several awards and scholarships from sources including the Greek State Scholarships foundation (2011), the Center for Research and Technology Hellas (2012), the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation (2013), and the Bodossaki Foundation (2016). He also received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Infocom 2017 and IEEE ICC 2019 conferences. Konstantinos obtained his Diploma, M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Thessaly, Greece, in 2011, 2013, and 2016 respectively. In 2014, he was a Research Intern with Technicolor Research, Paris.


Leandros Tassiulas is the John C. Malone Professor of Electrical Engineering at Yale University. His research interests are in the field of computer and communication networks with emphasis on fundamental mathematical models and algorithms of complex networks, architectures, and protocols of wireless systems, sensor networks, novel internet architectures, and experimental platforms for network research. His most notable contributions include the max-weight scheduling algorithm and the back-pressure network control policy, opportunistic scheduling in wireless, the maximum lifetime approach for wireless network energy management, and the consideration of joint access control and antenna transmission management in multiple antenna wireless systems. Dr. Tassiulas is a Fellow of IEEE (2007) and the ACM (2020). His research has been recognized by several awards including the IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computer and Communications Award (2016), the ACM SIGMETRICS Achievement Award 2020, the inaugural INFOCOM 2007 Achievement Award "for fundamental contributions to resource allocation in communication networks," several best paper awards including at INFOCOM 1994 and 2017 and Mobihoc 2016, a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Initiation Award (1992), an NSF CAREER Award (1995), an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (1997), and a Bodossaki Foundation Award (1999). He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park (1991) and a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1987). He has held faculty positions at Polytechnic University, New York; University of Maryland, College Park; and University of Thessaly, and University of Ioannina, Greece.


T.V. Lakshman is the Head of the Networks Research Group, Nokia Bell Laboratories. His research contributions to networking span a spectrum of topics, including software-defined networking, traffic management, switch architectures, network optimization, TCP performance, and machine-learning applications to networks. He is a recipient of several IEEE and ACM awards, including the IEEE Leonard Abraham Prize, the IEEE Communication Society William R. Bennett Prize, the IEEE INFOCOM Achievement Award, the IEEE Fred W. Ellersick Prize Paper Award, the ACM SIGMETRICS Best Paper Award, and the IEEE Infocom Best Paper Award. He also received the 2010 Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award from the R&D Council of New Jersey. He has been an Editor of the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. He is a Fellow of IEEE, ACM, and Bell Labs. He received the Master's degree (Physics) from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, College Park.


Konstantinos Poularakis 是耶魯大學的研究科學家。他的研究興趣集中在網路優化和機器學習領域,特別是新興架構,如軟體定義網路、行動邊緣運算和快取網路。他的研究獲得了多個獎項和獎學金的認可,包括希臘國家獎學金基金會(2011年)、希臘研究與技術中心(2012年)、亞歷山大·S·奧納西斯公共福利基金會(2013年)和博多薩基基金會(2016年)。他還在IEEE Infocom 2017和IEEE ICC 2019會議上獲得最佳論文獎。Konstantinos於2011年、2013年和2016年分別在希臘塞薩利大學獲得電機工程的學士、碩士和博士學位。2014年,他在巴黎的Technicolor Research擔任研究實習生。

Leandros Tassiulas 是耶魯大學的約翰·C·馬龍電機工程教授。他的研究興趣在於計算機和通信網路領域,重點是複雜網路的基本數學模型和演算法、無線系統的架構和協議、感測器網路、新型互聯網架構以及網路研究的實驗平台。他最顯著的貢獻包括最大權重排程演算法和反壓網路控制策略、無線中的機會排程、無線網路能源管理的最大壽命方法,以及在多天線無線系統中考慮聯合接入控制和天線傳輸管理。Tassiulas博士是IEEE(2007年)和ACM(2020年)的會士。他的研究獲得了多個獎項的認可,包括IEEE小林浩二計算機與通信獎(2016年)、ACM SIGMETRICS成就獎(2020年)、首屆INFOCOM 2007成就獎「因對通信網路資源分配的基本貢獻」,以及多個最佳論文獎,包括INFOCOM 1994和2017年及Mobihoc 2016年,國家科學基金會(NSF)研究啟動獎(1992年)、NSF CAREER獎(1995年)、海軍研究辦公室青年研究員獎(1997年)和博多薩基基金會獎(1999年)。他於1991年在馬里蘭大學(College Park)獲得電機工程博士學位,並於1987年在塞薩洛尼基亞里士多德大學獲得電機工程學士學位。他曾在紐約的理工學院、馬里蘭大學(College Park)、塞薩利大學和希臘伊奧尼納大學擔任教職。

T.V. Lakshman 是Nokia Bell Laboratories網路研究小組的負責人。他在網路領域的研究貢獻涵蓋了多個主題,包括軟體定義網路、流量管理、交換機架構、網路優化、TCP性能以及機器學習在網路中的應用。他獲得了多個IEEE和ACM獎項,包括IEEE倫納德·亞伯拉罕獎、IEEE通信學會威廉·R·班尼特獎、IEEE INFOCOM成就獎、IEEE Fred W. Ellersick最佳論文獎、ACM SIGMETRICS最佳論文獎和IEEE Infocom最佳論文獎。他還於2010年獲得新澤西州研發委員會的托馬斯·阿爾瓦·愛迪生專利獎。他曾擔任IEEE/ACM網路交易和IEEE行動計算交易的編輯。他是IEEE、ACM和Bell Labs的會士。他在印度班加羅爾的印度科學研究所獲得碩士學位(物理),並在馬里蘭大學(College Park)獲得計算機科學的碩士和博士學位。