Akka in Action, Second Edition

Abraham, Francisco Lopez-Sancho

  • 出版商: Manning
  • 出版日期: 2023-08-10
  • 定價: $2,200
  • 售價: 9.0$1,980
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 400
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1617299219
  • ISBN-13: 9781617299216
  • 相關分類: Java 相關技術
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)



Akka solves the big problems of distributed systems, from multithreading and concurrency to scalability and failure. Learn how to use it effectively.


In Akka in Action, Second Edition you will learn how to:

  • Create basic programs with Akka Typed
  • Work with clusters to build robust, fault-tolerant programs
  • Use Akka with Kubernetes
  • Build microservices with Akka
  • Create and maintain distributed state with strong consistency guarantees
  • Employ actor-based concurrency and parallelism
  • Test Akka software

Akka in Action, Second Edition teaches you to use Akka Typed to solve common problems of distributed systems. You'll learn how to bring together all of Akka's moving parts to design and implement highly scalable and maintainable software. Extensively revised by Akka contributor Francisco López-Sancho Abraham, this new edition demonstrates Akka's complex concepts through engaging hands-on examples. Discover the power of the Actor Model, how Akka works with Kubernetes, and how to utilize Akka modules to create microservices that are reliable and fault tolerant.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the technology
For large software systems, the action is in the "-ilities." Scalability. Reliability. Maintainability. Capability. Akka, toolkit for building distributed message-driven applications, delivers on the "ilities." And recent innovations, including Akka Typed, ensure that this amazing platform will remain the best way to build and deploy distributed Java and Scala applications for years to come.

About the book
Akka in Action, Second Edition is your guide to building message-centric distributed applications systems. This new edition covers all features of Akka, including Akka Typed. You'll learn to create microservices using Akka's powerful suite of tools, Akka Sharding, Persistence, Streams, Persistence Query, Projections, and gRPC. Practical examples taken directly from industry guide you through clustering, deploying to Kubernetes, and taking full advantage of Akka's Actors-based approach to concurrency.

What's inside

  • Work with clusters to build robust, fault-tolerant programs
  • Maintain distributed systems with strong consistency guarantees
  • Utilize concurrency and parallelism
  • Test Akka software

About the reader
For readers comfortable with Java and Scala.

About the author
Francisco Lopez Sancho-Abraham is a senior consultant at Lightbend, and a principal engineer on the Akka Team. Raymond Roestenburg, Rob Bakker, and Rob Williams are the authors of the first edition of Akka in Action.

Table of Contents
1 Introducing Akka
2 Up and running
3 One actor is no actor
4 Akka test kit
5 Fault tolerance
6 Discovery and routing
7 Configuration
8 Clustering
9 Sharding and persistence
10 Streams, persistence queries, and projections
11 Akka ports
12 Real-world example: An Akka betting house
13 Clustering, part 2
14 Connecting to systems with Alpakka
15 Akka betting house, part 2
16 Akka Streams, part 2



在《Akka in Action, Second Edition》中,您將學習如何:
- 使用Akka Typed創建基本程序
- 使用集群構建強大、容錯的程序
- 將Akka與Kubernetes一起使用
- 使用Akka創建微服務
- 創建和維護具有強一致性保證的分散狀態
- 使用基於Actor的並發和並行性
- 測試Akka軟件

《Akka in Action, Second Edition》教您如何使用Akka Typed解決分散系統的常見問題。您將學習如何將Akka的所有組件結合在一起,設計和實現高度可擴展和可維護的軟件。這本新版由Akka貢獻者Francisco López-Sancho Abraham廣泛修訂,通過引人入勝的實例演示了Akka的複雜概念。發現Actor模型的威力,以及Akka如何與Kubernetes一起工作,以及如何利用Akka模塊創建可靠且容錯的微服務。

購買印刷版書籍可獲得Manning Publications提供的PDF、Kindle和ePub格式的免費電子書。

對於大型軟件系統,關鍵在於“-ilities”。可擴展性、可靠性、可維護性、功能性。Akka是一個用於構建分散式消息驅動應用程序的工具包,可以實現這些“-ilities”。而且,包括Akka Typed在內的最新創新確保這個令人驚嘆的平台將成為未來多年內構建和部署分散式Java和Scala應用程序的最佳方式。

《Akka in Action, Second Edition》是構建基於消息的分散式應用系統的指南。這本新版涵蓋了Akka的所有功能,包括Akka Typed。您將學習使用Akka強大的工具套件Akka Sharding、Persistence、Streams、Persistence Query、Projections和gRPC來創建微服務。直接來自行業的實用示例將引導您進行集群操作、部署到Kubernetes,並充分利用Akka的基於Actor的並發方法。

- 使用集群構建強大、容錯的程序
- 維護具有強一致性保證的分散系統
- 利用並發和並行性
- 測試Akka軟件


Francisco Lopez Sancho-Abraham是Lightbend的高級顧問,也是Akka團隊的首席工程師。Raymond Roestenburg、Rob Bakker和Rob Williams是《Akka in Action》第一版的作者。

1. 介紹Akka
2. 開始運行
3. 一個Actor不夠
4. Akka測試套件
5. 容錯
6. 發現和路由
7. 配置
8. 集群
9. Sharding和持久化
10. Streams、持久化查詢和投影
11. Akka端口
12. 真實世界示例:一個Akka賭場
13. 集群,第2部分
14. 使用Alpakka連接系統
15. Akka賭場,第2部分
16. Akka Streams,第2部分


Francisco Lopez Sancho-Abraham is a senior consultant at Lightbend. He is currently contributing to Akka and helping clients to use it to reach their goals. He has extensive experience providing solutions and training around Akka and distributed architectures.


Francisco Lopez Sancho-Abraham 是 Lightbend 的高級顧問。他目前正在貢獻於 Akka,並協助客戶使用它來達成目標。他在 Akka 和分散式架構方面擁有豐富的解決方案和培訓經驗。