Java Persistence with Spring Data and Hibernate (Paperback)
暫譯: 使用 Spring Data 和 Hibernate 的 Java 持久化 (平裝本)
Tudose, Catalin
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Master Java persistence using the industry-leading tools Spring Data and Hibernate.
Java Persistence with Spring Data and Hibernate dives deep into persistence with the most popular available tools including Spring Data JPA, Spring Data JDBC, Spring Data REST, JPA, and Hibernate.
Begin with a hands-on introduction to object-relational mapping (ORM), then dive into mapping strategies for linking up objects and your database. You'll learn about the different approach to transactions for both Hibernate and Spring Data, and even how to deliver Java persistence with non-relational databases. Finally, you'll explore testing strategies for persistent applications to keep your code clean and bug free.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
**掌握使用業界領先工具 Spring Data 和 Hibernate 的 Java 持久性。**
《Java 持久性與 Spring Data 和 Hibernate》深入探討使用最受歡迎的工具進行持久性,包括 Spring Data JPA、Spring Data JDBC、Spring Data REST、JPA 和 Hibernate。
首先,您將進行物件關聯映射(ORM)的實作介紹,然後深入了解將物件與資料庫連結的映射策略。您將學習 Hibernate 和 Spring Data 的交易不同處,甚至如何使用非關聯資料庫實現 Java 持久性。最後,您將探索持久性應用程式的測試策略,以保持您的程式碼乾淨且無錯誤。
購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub 格式電子書。
Catalin Tudose has more than 20 years experience in the Java area and is currently acting as Java and web technologies expert at Luxoft Romania. He has taught more than 2,000 hours of courses and applications as a teaching assistant and professor at the Faculty of Automation and Computers in Bucharest. He authored 6 courses at Pluralsight on Java topics, including Java persistence and he holds a PhD in computer science.
Christian Bauer, Gavin King, and Gary Gregory are the authors of Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition, on which this book is based.
Catalin Tudose 在 Java 領域擁有超過 20 年的經驗,目前擔任 Luxoft Romania 的 Java 和網頁技術專家。他在布加勒斯特自動化與計算機學院擔任教學助理和教授,教授超過 2,000 小時的課程和應用。他在 Pluralsight 上撰寫了 6 門有關 Java 主題的課程,包括 Java 持久性,並擁有計算機科學的博士學位。
Christian Bauer、Gavin King 和 Gary Gregory 是 Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition 的作者,本書基於此書。