Tiny Python Projects
暫譯: 小型 Python 專案

Youens-Clark, Ken

  • 出版商: Manning
  • 出版日期: 2020-09-01
  • 定價: $1,400
  • 售價: 8.8$1,232 (限時優惠至 2025-03-31)
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 440
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1617297518
  • ISBN-13: 9781617297519
  • 相關分類: Python程式語言
  • 相關翻譯: 趣味微項目,輕松學Python (簡中版)
  • 立即出貨



Tiny Python Projects takes you from amateur to Pythonista as you create 22 bitesize programs. Each tiny project teaches you a new programming concept, from the basics of lists and strings right through to regular expressions and randomness.

A long journey is really a lot of little steps. The same is true when you're learning Python, so you may as well have some fun along the way Written in a lighthearted style with entertaining exercises that build powerful skills, Tiny Python Projects takes you from amateur to Pythonista as you create 22 bitesize programs. Each tiny project teaches you a new programming concept, from the basics of lists and strings right through to regular expressions and randomness. Along the way you'll also discover how testing can make you a better programmer in any language.

About the technology
Who says learning to program has to be boring? The 21 activities in this book teach Python fundamentals through puzzles and games. Not only will you be entertained with every exercise, but you'll learn about text manipulation, basic algorithms, and lists and dictionaries as you go. It's the ideal way for any Python newbie to gain confidence and experience.

About the book
The projects are tiny, but the rewards are big: each chapter in Tiny Python Projects challenges you with a new Python program, including a password creator, a word rhymer, and a Shakespearean insult generator. As you complete these entertaining exercises, you'll graduate from a Python beginner to a confident programmer--and you'll have a good time doing it

What's inside

  • Write command-line Python programs
  • Manipulate Python data structures
  • Use and control randomness
  • Write and run tests for programs and functions
  • Download testing suites for each project

About the reader
For readers with beginner programming skills.

About the author
Ken Youens-Clark is a Senior Scientific Programmer at the University of Arizona. He has an MS in Biosystems Engineering and has been programming for over 20 years.

Table of Contents

1 How to write and test a Python program

2 The crow's nest: Working with strings

3 Going on a picnic: Working with lists

4 Jump the Five: Working with dictionaries

5 Howler: Working with files and STDOUT

6 Words count: Reading files and STDIN, iterating lists, formatting strings

7 Gashlycrumb: Looking items up in a dictionary

8 Apples and Bananas: Find and replace

9 Dial-a-Curse: Generating random insults from lists of words

10 Telephone: Randomly mutating strings

11 Bottles of Beer Song: Writing and testing functions

12 Ransom: Randomly capitalizing text

13 Twelve Days of Christmas: Algorithm design

14 Rhymer: Using regular expressions to create rhyming words

15 The Kentucky Friar: More regular expressions

16 The Scrambler: Randomly reordering the middles of words

17 Mad Libs: Using regular expressions

18 Gematria: Numeric encoding of text using ASCII values

19 Workout of the Day: Parsing CSV files, creating text table output

20 Password strength: Generating a secure and memorable password

21 Tic-Tac-Toe: Exploring state

22 Tic-Tac-Toe redux: An interactive version with type hints


《小型 Python 專案》帶你從業餘者成為 Python 專家,創建 22 個小型程式。每個小專案都教你一個新的程式設計概念,從列表和字串的基本知識到正則表達式和隨機性。

漫長的旅程其實是許多小步驟的累積。學習 Python 也是如此,因此你不妨在過程中享受一些樂趣。《小型 Python 專案》以輕鬆幽默的風格撰寫,並提供有趣的練習來培養強大的技能,帶你從業餘者成為 Python 專家,創建 22 個小型程式。每個小專案都教你一個新的程式設計概念,從列表和字串的基本知識到正則表達式和隨機性。在這個過程中,你還會發現測試如何讓你成為任何語言中更好的程式設計師。

誰說學習程式設計一定要無聊?本書中的 21 個活動通過謎題和遊戲教授 Python 基礎知識。每個練習不僅會讓你感到娛樂,還會讓你在過程中學習文本操作、基本演算法以及列表和字典。這是任何 Python 新手獲得信心和經驗的理想方式。

專案雖小,但收穫卻大:《小型 Python 專案》中的每一章都會挑戰你創建一個新的 Python 程式,包括密碼生成器、押韻詞生成器和莎士比亞式侮辱生成器。當你完成這些有趣的練習時,你將從 Python 初學者畢業,成為一名自信的程式設計師——而且你會享受這個過程。

- 撰寫命令列 Python 程式
- 操作 Python 資料結構
- 使用和控制隨機性
- 撰寫和執行程式和函數的測試
- 下載每個專案的測試套件


**Ken Youens-Clark** 是亞利桑那大學的高級科學程式設計師。他擁有生物系統工程碩士學位,並且有超過 20 年的程式設計經驗。

1 如何撰寫和測試 Python 程式
2 烏鴉巢:操作字串
3 野餐:操作列表
4 跳過五:操作字典
5 嚎叫者:操作檔案和 STDOUT
6 單詞計數:讀取檔案和 STDIN,迭代列表,格式化字串
7 Gashlycrumb:在字典中查找項目
8 蘋果與香蕉:查找和替換
9 拨打詛咒:從單詞列表生成隨機侮辱
10 電話:隨機變異字串
11 啤酒瓶之歌:撰寫和測試函數
12 贖金:隨機大寫文本
13 聖誕十二天:演算法設計
14 押韻者:使用正則表達式創建押韻詞
15 肯塔基修士:更多正則表達式
16 打亂者:隨機重新排列單詞的中間部分
17 瘋狂故事:使用正則表達式
18 Gematria:使用 ASCII 值對文本進行數字編碼
19 今日運動:解析 CSV 檔案,創建文本表格輸出
20 密碼強度:生成安全且易記的密碼
21 井字遊戲:探索狀態
22 井字遊戲重製:帶有類型提示的互動版本


Ken Youens-Clark works at the University of Arizona as a senior scientific programmer. He has an MS in biosystems engineering, and has been programming for over 20 years.


Ken Youens-Clark 在亞利桑那大學擔任高級科學程式設計師。他擁有生物系統工程的碩士學位,並且有超過20年的程式設計經驗。