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Objects are the central concept of languages like Java, Python, C#. Applying best practices for object design means that your code will be easy to read, write, and maintain.
Object Design Style Guide captures dozens of techniques for creating pro-quality OO code that can stand the test of time. Examples are in an instantly-familiar pseudocode, teaching techniques you can apply to any OO language, from C++ to PHP.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
物件是像 Java、Python 和 C# 等語言的核心概念。應用最佳的物件設計實踐意味著您的程式碼將易於閱讀、撰寫和維護。
《物件設計風格指南》總結了數十種技術,用於創建能夠經得起時間考驗的專業品質物件導向(OO)程式碼。範例使用即時熟悉的偽程式碼,教授您可以應用於任何物件導向語言的技術,從 C++ 到 PHP。
購買印刷書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費電子書,格式包括 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub。
Matthias Noback is a professional web developer with nearly two decades of experience. He runs his own web development, training, and consultancy company called "Noback's Office."
Matthias Noback 是一位擁有近二十年經驗的專業網頁開發者。他經營自己的網頁開發、培訓和顧問公司,名為「Noback's Office」。