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An all-practical guide to the cryptography behind common tools and protocols that will help you make excellent security choices for your systems and applications.
In Real-World Cryptography, you will find:
Best practices for using cryptography
Diagrams and explanations of cryptographic algorithms
Implementing digital signatures and zero-knowledge proofs
Specialized hardware for attacks and highly adversarial environments
Identifying and fixing bad practices
Choosing the right cryptographic tool for any problem
Real-World Cryptography reveals the cryptographic techniques that drive the security of web APIs, registering and logging in users, and even the blockchain. You'll learn how these techniques power modern security, and how to apply them to your own projects. Alongside modern methods, the book also anticipates the future of cryptography, diving into emerging and cutting-edge advances such as cryptocurrencies, and post-quantum cryptography. All techniques are fully illustrated with diagrams and examples so you can easily see how to put them into practice.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the technology
Cryptography is the essential foundation of IT security. To stay ahead of the bad actors attacking your systems, you need to understand the tools, frameworks, and protocols that protect your networks and applications. This book introduces authentication, encryption, signatures, secret-keeping, and other cryptography concepts in plain language and beautiful illustrations.
About the book
Real-World Cryptography teaches practical techniques for day-to-day work as a developer, sysadmin, or security practitioner. There's no complex math or jargon: Modern cryptography methods are explored through clever graphics and real-world use cases. You'll learn building blocks like hash functions and signatures; cryptographic protocols like HTTPS and secure messaging; and cutting-edge advances like post-quantum cryptography and cryptocurrencies. This book is a joy to read--and it might just save your bacon the next time you're targeted by an adversary after your data.
What's inside
Implementing digital signatures and zero-knowledge proofs
Specialized hardware for attacks and highly adversarial environments
Identifying and fixing bad practices
Choosing the right cryptographic tool for any problem
About the reader
For cryptography beginners with no previous experience in the field.
About the author
David Wong is a cryptography engineer. He is an active contributor to internet standards including Transport Layer Security.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Hash functions
3 Message authentication codes
4 Authenticated encryption
5 Key exchanges
6 Asymmetric encryption and hybrid encryption
7 Signatures and zero-knowledge proofs
8 Randomness and secrets
9 Secure transport
10 End-to-end encryption
11 User authentication
12 Crypto as in cryptocurrency?
13 Hardware cryptography
14 Post-quantum cryptography
15 Is this it? Next-generation cryptography
16 When and where cryptography fails
- 使用密碼學的最佳實踐
- 密碼算法的圖解和解釋
- 實現數字簽名和零知識證明
- 用於攻擊和高度對抗環境的專用硬件
- 辨識和修復不良實踐
- 選擇適合任何問題的密碼工具
《實戰密碼學》揭示了驅動Web API安全、用戶註冊和登錄,甚至區塊鏈的密碼學技術。您將學習這些技術如何支持現代安全性,以及如何應用於自己的項目。除了現代方法外,本書還展望了密碼學的未來,深入探討了新興和尖端的進展,如加密貨幣和後量子密碼學。所有技術都通過圖解和示例完整呈現,讓您可以輕鬆了解如何實踐它們。
購買印刷版書籍還包括Manning Publications提供的PDF、Kindle和ePub格式的免費電子書。
David Wong是一位密碼工程師,他是互聯網標準(包括傳輸層安全性)的積極貢獻者。
第1部分 基礎:密碼學的基本要素
1. 簡介
2. 哈希函數
3. 消息認證碼
4. 認證加密
5. 金鑰交換
6. 非對稱加密和混合加密
7. 簽名和零知識證明
8. 隨機性和秘密
第2部分 協議:密碼學的配方
9. 安全傳輸
10. 點對點加密
11. 用戶身份驗證
12. 加密貨幣中的密碼學?
13. 硬件密碼學
14. 後量子密碼學
15. 這就是全部了嗎?下一代密碼學
16. 密碼學失敗的時間和地點
David Wong is a senior engineer working on Blockchain at Facebook. He is an active contributor to internet standards like Transport Layer Security and to the applied cryptography research community. David is a recognized authority in the field of applied cryptography; he's spoken at large security conferences like Black Hat and DEF CON and has delivered cryptography training sessions in the industry.
David Wong 是一位在 Facebook 從事區塊鏈工作的高級工程師。他是互聯網標準(如傳輸層安全性)和應用密碼學研究社區的積極貢獻者。David 是應用密碼學領域的知名權威,他曾在像 Black Hat 和 DEF CON 這樣的大型安全會議上發表演講,並在業界提供密碼學培訓課程。