In 2017, consumers downloaded 178 billion apps, and analysts predict growth to 258 billion by 2022. Mobile customers are demanding more-and better-apps, and it's up to developers like you to write them Flutter, a revolutionary new cross-platform software development kit created by Google, makes it easier than ever to write secure, high-performance native apps for iOS and Android.
Flutter in Action teaches you to build awesome, full-featured mobile applications with Flutter. Author Eric Windmill walks with you every step of the way as you build apps that get you coding as you learn. With the engaging hands-on examples, you'll create a basic user interface, learn about state management, and integrate a database with a Dart web app.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
在2017年,消費者下載了1780億個應用程式,分析師預測到2022年將增長至2580億個。行動客戶對應用程式的需求越來越高,開發者如你有責任編寫這些應用程式。Flutter 是由 Google 創建的一個革命性跨平台軟體開發工具包,使得為 iOS 和 Android 編寫安全、高效能的原生應用程式變得比以往任何時候都更容易。
《Flutter in Action》教你如何使用 Flutter 建立出色的全功能行動應用程式。作者 Eric Windmill 在你每一步的過程中陪伴著你,讓你在學習的同時編寫應用程式。透過引人入勝的實作範例,你將創建一個基本的使用者介面,了解狀態管理,並將資料庫整合到 Dart 網頁應用程式中。
購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費電子書,格式包括 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub。
Eric Windmill is a professional Dart developer, a contributor to open-source Flutter projects, and the author of FlutterByExample.com. His work is featured on Flutter's own showcase page, https: //flutter.io/showcase.
Eric Windmill 是一位專業的 Dart 開發者,開源 Flutter 專案的貢獻者,以及 FlutterByExample.com 的作者。他的作品在 Flutter 的展示頁面上有介紹,網址為 https://flutter.io/showcase。