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GraphQL in Action gives you the tools to get comfortable with the GraphQL language, build and optimize a data API service, and use it in a front-end client application.
Reduce bandwidth demands on your APIs by getting only the results you need--all in a single request The GraphQL query language simplifies interactions with web servers, enabling smarter API queries that can hugely improve the efficiency of data requests. In GraphQL in Action, you'll learn how to bring those benefits to your own APIs, giving your clients the power to ask for exactly what they need from your server, no more, no less. Practical and example-driven, this book teaches everything you need to get started with GraphQL--from design principles and syntax right through to performance optimization.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the technology
GraphQL APIs are fast, efficient, and easy to maintain. They reduce app latency and server cost while boosting developer productivity. This powerful query layer offers precise control over API requests and returns, making apps faster and less prone to error.
About the book
GraphQL in Action gives you the tools to get comfortable with the GraphQL language, build and optimize a data API service, and use it in a front-end client application. By working through set up, security, and error handling you'll learn to create a complete GraphQL server. You'll also unlock easy ways to incorporate GraphQL into your existing codebase so you can build simple, scalable data APIs.
What's inside
Define a GraphQL schema for relational and document databases
Implement GraphQL types using both the schema language and object constructor methods
Optimize GraphQL resolvers with data caching and batching
Design GraphQL fragments that match UI components' data requirements
Consume GraphQL API queries, mutations, and subscriptions with and without a GraphQL client library
About the reader
For web developers familiar with client-server applications.
About the author
Samer Buna has over 20 years of experience in software development including front-ends, back-ends, API design, and scalability.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to GraphQL
2 Exploring GraphQL APIs
3 Customizing and organizing GraphQL operations
4 Designing a GraphQL schema
5 Implementing schema resolvers
6 Working with database models and relations
7 Optimizing data fetching
8 Implementing mutations
9 Using GraphQL APIs without a client library
10 Using GraphQL APIs with Apollo client
《GraphQL in Action》提供了讓您熟悉GraphQL語言的工具,幫助您建立和優化數據API服務,並在前端客戶端應用中使用它。
通過僅獲取所需的結果來減少API的帶寬需求——所有這些都在一次請求中。GraphQL查詢語言簡化了與網絡伺服器的互動,使得更智能的API查詢成為可能,這可以大幅提高數據請求的效率。在《GraphQL in Action》中,您將學習如何將這些好處帶入自己的API,讓您的客戶能夠精確地要求他們所需的內容,無多無少。本書以實用和範例為導向,教您從設計原則和語法到性能優化的所有內容,讓您能夠開始使用GraphQL。
購買印刷版書籍可獲得Manning Publications提供的免費PDF、Kindle和ePub格式電子書。
GraphQL API快速、高效且易於維護。它們減少了應用延遲和伺服器成本,同時提高了開發者的生產力。這個強大的查詢層提供了對API請求和返回的精確控制,使應用更快且不易出錯。
《GraphQL in Action》提供了讓您熟悉GraphQL語言的工具,幫助您建立和優化數據API服務,並在前端客戶端應用中使用它。通過設置、安全性和錯誤處理的學習,您將學會創建一個完整的GraphQL伺服器。您還將解鎖將GraphQL輕鬆整合到現有代碼庫中的方法,以便構建簡單、可擴展的數據API。
使用和不使用GraphQL客戶端庫消耗GraphQL API查詢、變更和訂閱
Samer Buna擁有超過20年的軟體開發經驗,包括前端、後端、API設計和可擴展性。
第一部分 - 探索GraphQL
1 GraphQL簡介
2 探索GraphQL API
3 自定義和組織GraphQL操作
第二部分 - 建立GraphQL API
4 設計GraphQL架構
5 實現架構解析器
6 與數據庫模型和關係合作
7 優化數據提取
8 實現變更
第三部分 - 使用GraphQL API
9 在沒有客戶端庫的情況下使用GraphQL API
10 使用Apollo客戶端的GraphQL API
Samer Buna has over 20 years of experience in software development including front-ends, back-ends, mobile apps, API design, databases, and scalability. He operates jsComplete.com.
Samer Buna 擁有超過 20 年的軟體開發經驗,包括前端、後端、行動應用程式、API 設計、資料庫和可擴展性。他經營 jsComplete.com。