Python Workout: 50 Essential Exercises
暫譯: Python 鍛鍊:50 個必備練習題

Lerner, Reuven M.



Python Workout presents 50 exercises designed to deepen the reader's skill with Python.

Readers will not only tackle exercises using built-in data structures, but also more advanced techniques, such as functional programming, object-oriented programming, iterators, and generators. With each engaging challenge, readers will practice a new skill and learn how to apply it to everyday coding tasks.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.


《Python Workout》提供了50個練習題,旨在加深讀者對Python的技能掌握。


購買印刷版書籍可獲得Manning Publications提供的免費電子書,格式包括PDF、Kindle和ePub。


Reuven M. Lerner, an independent consultant for more than two decades, teaches Python, data science, and Git to companies around the world. His Better developers newsletter and blog are read by thousands of Python developers each week. Reuven has written a monthly column, "At the Forge," for Linux Journal since 1996 and is a panelist on the weekly Freelancers Show podcast. Reuven lives with his wife and three children in Modi'in, Israel, and can be reached at https: // or on Twitter at @reuvenmlerner.


Reuven M. Lerner 是一位擁有超過二十年經驗的獨立顧問,為全球各地的公司教授 Python、數據科學和 Git。他的《Better developers》電子報和部落格每週吸引數千名 Python 開發者閱讀。自 1996 年以來,Reuven 為《Linux Journal》撰寫每月專欄「At the Forge」,並且是每週《Freelancers Show》播客的專家小組成員。Reuven 與妻子及三名子女居住在以色列的 Modi'in,您可以通過 或在 Twitter 上聯繫他 @reuvenmlerner。