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The modern world turns on universally-accepted ideas of currency and ownership. Bitcoin, and its underlying technology, offer the potential to move control of these key institutions from change-prone governments to a secure storage system that independently records value and ownership in a distributed public ledger called "the blockchain.
Grokking Bitcoin opens up this powerful distributed ledger system, exploring the technology that enables applications both for Bitcoin-based financial transactions and using the blockchain for registering physical property ownership.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
《Grokking Bitcoin》揭示了這個強大的分散式帳本系統,探索了使基於比特幣的金融交易和使用區塊鏈註冊實體財產所有權的應用程序得以實現的技術。
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