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Ever wanted to build your own web pages? HTML and CSS are the languages of the web, allowing anyone who knows them to easily customize a website's look and feel to their liking. Never touched a drop of code before in your life? Don't worry! If you're feeling creative, then Web Design Playground has everything you need to get rid of boring boilerplate designs and start building your very own personal corner of the web!
Contrary to what you may have heard, learning web design doesn't need to be boring! Rather than simply provide you with a dry reference of HTML tags and CSS style definitions next to a static screenshot of how they translate into an actual web page, Web Design Playground guides your learning by getting your hands dirty and letting you play in a website built specifically with this book and your learning in mind (the Playground). With the practical exercises and projects you'll experiment with and build, you'll learn everything you need in a fun, relaxed way.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
曾經想過自己建立網頁嗎?HTML 和 CSS 是網路的語言,讓任何懂得這些語言的人都能輕鬆自訂網站的外觀和感覺。從未接觸過程式碼?別擔心!如果你感到有創意,那麼《Web Design Playground》擁有你所需的一切,幫助你擺脫無聊的範本設計,開始建立你自己在網路上的小天地!
與你可能聽過的相反,學習網頁設計並不需要無聊!《Web Design Playground》不僅僅是提供一份乾巴巴的 HTML 標籤和 CSS 樣式定義的參考,還附上靜態截圖顯示它們如何轉換成實際的網頁,而是通過讓你親自動手,讓你在專為這本書和你的學習而建的網站(遊樂場)中玩耍來引導你的學習。透過你將實驗和建立的實踐練習和專案,你將以有趣、輕鬆的方式學到所需的一切。
購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub 格式電子書。