Functional Programming in C# : How to Write Better C# Code
暫譯: C# 的函數式程式設計:如何撰寫更好的 C# 代碼

Enrico Buonanno





Functional Programming in C# teaches you to apply functional thinking to real-world problems using the C# language. The book, with its many practical examples, is written for proficient C# programmers with no prior FP experience. It will give you an awesome new perspective.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the Technology

Functional programming changes the way you think about code. For C# developers, FP techniques can greatly improve state management, concurrency, event handling, and long-term code maintenance. And C# offers the flexibility that allows you to benefit fully from the application of functional techniques. This book gives you the awesome power of a new perspective.

About the Book

Functional Programming in C# teaches you to apply functional thinking to real-world problems using the C# language. You'll start by learning the principles of functional programming and the language features that allow you to program functionally. As you explore the many practical examples, you'll learn the power of function composition, data flow programming, immutable data structures, and monadic composition with LINQ.

What's Inside


  • Write readable, team-friendly code
  • Master async and data streams
  • Radically improve error handling
  • Event sourcing and other FP patterns

About the Reader

Written for proficient C# programmers with no prior FP experience.

About the Author

Enrico Buonanno studied computer science at Columbia University and has 15 years of experience as a developer, architect, and trainer.

Table of Contents





  1. Introducing functional programming
  2. Why function purity matters
  3. Designing function signatures and types
  4. Patterns in functional programming
  5. Designing programs with function composition
  6. Functional error handling
  7. Structuring an application with functions
  8. Working effectively with multi-argument functions
  9. Thinking about data functionally
  10. Event sourcing: a functional approach to persistence
  11. Lazy computations, continuations, and the beauty of monadic composition
  12. Stateful programs and stateful computations
  13. Working with asynchronous computations
  14. Data streams and the Reactive Extensions
  15. An introduction to message-passing concurrency



《C# 函數式程式設計》教你如何將函數式思維應用於使用 C# 語言的現實問題。這本書包含許多實用的範例,專為熟練的 C# 程式設計師撰寫,並不需要先前的函數式程式設計經驗。它將為你提供一個全新的視角。

購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub 格式電子書。


函數式程式設計改變了你對程式碼的思考方式。對於 C# 開發者來說,函數式程式設計技術可以大幅改善狀態管理、併發、事件處理和長期的程式碼維護。而 C# 提供的靈活性使你能夠充分受益於函數式技術的應用。這本書將賦予你全新的強大視角。


《C# 函數式程式設計》教你如何將函數式思維應用於使用 C# 語言的現實問題。你將從學習函數式程式設計的原則和允許你進行函數式編程的語言特性開始。隨著你探索許多實用的範例,你將學會函數組合、數據流程式設計、不變數據結構和使用 LINQ 的單子組合的強大力量。


- 撰寫可讀性高、適合團隊的程式碼
- 精通非同步和數據流
- 徹底改善錯誤處理
- 事件來源及其他函數式程式設計模式


本書專為熟練的 C# 程式設計師撰寫,並不需要先前的函數式程式設計經驗。


**Enrico Buonanno** 在哥倫比亞大學學習計算機科學,擁有 15 年的開發者、架構師和培訓師經驗。


**第一部分 - 核心概念**

**第二部分 - 成為函數式**

**第三部分 - 進階技術**

1. 介紹函數式程式設計
2. 為什麼函數純度很重要
3. 設計函數簽名和類型
4. 函數式程式設計中的模式
5. 使用函數組合設計程式
6. 函數式錯誤處理
7. 使用函數結構化應用程式
8. 有效處理多參數函數
9. 函數式思考數據
10. 事件來源:持久性的函數式方法
11. 懶惰計算、延續和單子組合的美
12. 有狀態的程式和有狀態的計算
13. 處理非同步計算
14. 數據流和反應式擴展
15. 消息傳遞併發的介紹