Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda
暫譯: AWS上的無伺服器架構:以AWS Lambda為例

Peter Sbarski

  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-1
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-2
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-3
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-4
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-5
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-6
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-7
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-8
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-9
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-10
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-11
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-12
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-13
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-14
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-15
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-16
  • Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-17
Serverless Architectures on AWS: With examples using AWS Lambda-preview-1





Serverless Architectures on AWS teaches you how to build, secure and manage serverless architectures that can power the most demanding web and mobile apps. Forewords by Patrick Debois (Founder of devopsdays) and Dr. Donald F. Ferguson (Columbia University).

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the Technology

There's a shift underway toward serverless cloud architectures. With the release of serverless computer technologies such as AWS Lambda, developers are now building entirely serverless platforms at scale. In these new architectures, traditional back-end servers are replaced with cloud functions acting as discrete single-purpose services. By composing and combining these serverless cloud functions together in a loose orchestration and adopting useful third-party services, developers can create powerful yet easy-to-understand applications.

About the Book

Serverless Architectures on AWS teaches you how to build, secure, and manage serverless architectures that can power the most demanding web and mobile apps. You'll get going quickly with this book's ready-made real-world examples, code snippets, diagrams, and descriptions of architectures that can be readily applied. By the end, you'll be able to architect and build your own serverless applications on AWS.

What's Inside


  • First steps with serverless computing
  • Important patterns and architectures
  • Writing AWS Lambda functions and using the API Gateway
  • Composing serverless applications using key services like Auth0 and Firebase
  • Securing, deploying, and managing serverless architectures

About the Reader

This book is for software developers interested in back end technologies. Experience with JavaScript (node.js) and AWS is useful but not required.

About the Author

Dr. Peter Sbarski is a well-known AWS expert, VP of engineering at A Cloud Guru, and head of Serverlessconf.

Table of Contents





  1. Going serverless
  2. Architectures and patterns
  3. Building a serverless application
  4. Setting up your cloud
  5. Authentication and authorization
  6. Lambda the orchestrator
  7. API Gateway
  8. Storage
  9. Database
  10. Going the last mile



  1. Services for your serverless architecture
  2. Installation and setup
  3. More about authentication and authorization
  4. Lambda insider
  5. Models and mapping



《AWS 上的無伺服器架構》教你如何構建、安全性和管理無伺服器架構,以支持最具需求的網頁和行動應用程式。前言由 Patrick Debois(devopsdays 創辦人)和 Dr. Donald F. Ferguson(哥倫比亞大學)撰寫。

購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub 格式電子書。


目前正在向無伺服器雲架構轉變。隨著 AWS Lambda 等無伺服器計算技術的推出,開發人員現在可以大規模構建完全無伺服器的平台。在這些新架構中,傳統的後端伺服器被作為獨立單一用途服務的雲功能所取代。通過將這些無伺服器雲功能以鬆散的編排方式組合在一起,並採用有用的第三方服務,開發人員可以創建強大且易於理解的應用程式。


《AWS 上的無伺服器架構》教你如何構建、安全性和管理無伺服器架構,以支持最具需求的網頁和行動應用程式。你將快速上手,透過本書提供的現成實例、程式碼片段、圖表和可立即應用的架構描述。到最後,你將能夠在 AWS 上設計和構建自己的無伺服器應用程式。


- 無伺服器計算的第一步
- 重要的模式和架構
- 編寫 AWS Lambda 函數和使用 API Gateway
- 使用 Auth0 和 Firebase 等關鍵服務組合無伺服器應用程式
- 安全性、部署和管理無伺服器架構


本書適合對後端技術感興趣的軟體開發人員。具備 JavaScript(node.js)和 AWS 的經驗是有幫助的,但不是必需的。


**Dr. Peter Sbarski** 是知名的 AWS 專家,A Cloud Guru 的工程副總裁,以及 Serverlessconf 的負責人。


**第一部分 - 第一步**

**第二部分 - 核心理念**

**第三部分 - 擴展你的架構**

1. 走向無伺服器
2. 架構和模式
3. 構建無伺服器應用程式
4. 設置你的雲端
5. 認證和授權
6. Lambda 作為編排者
7. API Gateway
8. 儲存
9. 資料庫
10. 最後一公里


A. 你的無伺服器架構的服務
B. 安裝和設置
C. 更多關於認證和授權
D. Lambda 內幕
E. 模型和映射