Web Performance in Action: Building Faster Web Pages (網頁效能實戰:打造更快速的網頁)

Jeremy Wagner




The content of the web is maturing and increasing in complexity, but internet infrastructure quality varies widely across the globe. People are browsing the web through a greater variety of devices and networks than ever before. Your website's visitors may be browsing via resource constrained connections, or limited by restricted data plans. Due to these hard realities, it's more important than ever that your website loads quickly, lest you alienate your visitors before they ever get a chance to see what your site has to offer.

Web Performance in Action is your companion guide to making websites faster. Throughout the course of this book, you'll learn techniques that speed the delivery of your site's assets to the user, increase rendering speed, decrease the overall footprint of your site, as well as learn how to build a workflow that automates common optimization techniques. You'll also get a look at new technologies such as HTTP/2 that will take your website's speed from merely adequate to seriously fast.



《Web Performance in Action》是您提升網站速度的指南。在本書中,您將學習到加快網站資源傳遞速度的技巧,提高渲染速度,減少網站整體佔用空間,並學習如何建立自動化常見優化技術的工作流程。您還將瞭解到像是HTTP/2這樣的新技術,將使您的網站速度從僅僅足夠提升到極快的水平。