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Testing is vital to the development process. It improves the quality of code and reduces maintenance, saving both time and money. But testing is sometimes neglected since there are few established resources and standards when it comes to testing modern Angular web applications.
Testing Angular Applications is an example-rich, hands-on guide that gives the real-world techniques needed to thoroughly test all parts of Angular applications. The book starts with an introduction to Angular , TypeScript, testing fundamentals, and the testing frameworks and tools used in the book. Next, it explains how to set-up an Angular environment, including TypeScript and the Angular dependencies. The reader will then create their first component. The second part of the book focuses on the most important concepts of Angular, such as testing components, directives, pipes, services, and routing. This book will allow readers to confidently write unit and end-to-end tests for Angular applications and TypeScript.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
測試對於開發過程至關重要。它提高了代碼的質量並減少了維護,節省了時間和金錢。然而,由於在測試現代 Angular 網頁應用程式方面缺乏既定的資源和標準,測試有時會被忽視。
《Testing Angular Applications》是一本充滿範例的實用指南,提供了徹底測試 Angular 應用程式所有部分所需的現實世界技術。本書首先介紹了 Angular、TypeScript、測試基礎知識以及本書中使用的測試框架和工具。接下來,它解釋了如何設置 Angular 環境,包括 TypeScript 和 Angular 依賴項。讀者將創建他們的第一個組件。本書的第二部分專注於 Angular 的最重要概念,例如測試組件、指令、管道、服務和路由。本書將使讀者能夠自信地為 Angular 應用程式和 TypeScript 編寫單元測試和端到端測試。
購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub 格式電子書。