jQuery in Action, 3/e (Paperback)
暫譯: jQuery 實戰 (第三版)

Bear Bibeault, Yehuda Katz, Aurelio De Rosa





jQuery in Action, Third Edition, is a fast-paced and complete guide to jQuery, focused on the tasks you'll face in nearly any web dev project. Written for readers with minimal JavaScript experience, this revised edition adds new examples and exercises, along with the deep and practical coverage you expect from an In Action book. You'll learn how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, write plugins, and even unit test your code. The unique lab pages anchor each concept with real-world code. Several new chapters teach you how to interact with other tools and frameworks to build modern single-page web applications.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the Technology

Thanks to jQuery, no one remembers the bad old days when programmers manually managed browser inconsistencies, CSS selectors support, and DOM navigation, and when every animation was a frustrating exercise in raw JavaScript. The elegant, intuitive jQuery library beautifully manages these concerns, and jQuery 3 adds even more features to make your life as a web developer smooth and productive.

About the Book

jQuery in Action, Third Edition, is a fast-paced guide to jQuery, focused on the tasks you'll face in nearly any web dev project. In it, you'll learn how to traverse the DOM, handle events, perform animations, write jQuery plugins, perform Ajax requests, and even unit test your code. Its unique Lab Pages anchor each concept in real-world code. This expanded Third Edition adds new chapters that teach you how to interact with other tools and frameworks and build modern single-page web applications.

What's Inside

  • Updated for jQuery 3
  • DOM manipulation and event handling
  • Animations and effects
  • Advanced topics including Unit Testing and Promises
  • Practical examples and labs

About the Readers

Readers are assumed to have only beginning-level JavaScript knowledge.

About the Authors

Bear Bibeault is coauthor of Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja, Ajax in Practice, and Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action. Yehuda Katz is an early contributor to jQuery and cocreator of Ember.js. Aurelio De Rosa is a full-stack web developer and a member of the jQuery content team.

Table of Contents

  1. Introducing jQuery
  3. Selecting elements
  4. Operating on a jQuery collection
  5. Working with properties, attributes, and data
  6. Bringing pages to life with jQuery
  7. Events are where it happens!
  8. Demo: DVD discs locator
  9. Energizing pages with animations and effects
  10. Beyond the DOM with jQuery utility functions
  11. Talk to the server with Ajax 260
  12. Demo: an Ajax-powered contact form
  14. When jQuery is not enough...plugins to the rescue!
  15. Avoiding the callback hell with Deferred
  16. Unit testing with QUnit
  17. How jQuery fits into large projects


《jQuery in Action, 第三版》是一本快速且完整的 jQuery 指南,專注於您在幾乎任何網頁開發專案中會面臨的任務。這本書是為具有最少 JavaScript 經驗的讀者所寫,這個修訂版新增了範例和練習,並提供了您從 In Action 書籍中所期待的深入且實用的內容。您將學習如何遍歷 HTML 文件、處理事件、執行動畫、撰寫插件,甚至對您的程式碼進行單元測試。獨特的實驗頁面將每個概念與實際的程式碼相結合。幾個新章節教您如何與其他工具和框架互動,以構建現代的單頁網路應用程式。

購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費電子書,格式包括 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub。

多虧了 jQuery,沒有人會記得程式設計師手動管理瀏覽器不一致性、CSS 選擇器支援和 DOM 導航的糟糕舊時代,以及每個動畫都是一場令人沮喪的原始 JavaScript 練習。優雅且直觀的 jQuery 函式庫完美地管理了這些問題,而 jQuery 3 更增加了更多功能,使您作為網頁開發者的生活更加順利和高效。

《jQuery in Action, 第三版》是一本快速的 jQuery 指南,專注於您在幾乎任何網頁開發專案中會面臨的任務。在這本書中,您將學習如何遍歷 DOM、處理事件、執行動畫、撰寫 jQuery 插件、執行 Ajax 請求,甚至對您的程式碼進行單元測試。其獨特的實驗頁面將每個概念與實際的程式碼相結合。這個擴展的第三版新增了教您如何與其他工具和框架互動並構建現代單頁網路應用程式的新章節。

- 更新至 jQuery 3
- DOM 操作和事件處理
- 動畫和效果
- 進階主題,包括單元測試和 Promise
- 實用範例和實驗

假設讀者僅具備初級的 JavaScript 知識。

**Bear Bibeault** 是《Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja》、《Ajax in Practice》和《Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action》的共同作者。**Yehuda Katz** 是 jQuery 的早期貢獻者,也是 Ember.js 的共同創建者。**Aurelio De Rosa** 是全端網頁開發者,並且是 jQuery 內容團隊的成員。

**第一部分 開始使用 jQuery**
- 介紹 jQuery

**第二部分 核心 jQuery**
- 選擇元素
- 操作 jQuery 集合
- 處理屬性、屬性和數據
- 用 jQuery 使頁面生動
- 事件是發生的地方!
- 示範:DVD 光碟定位器
- 用動畫和效果為頁面注入活力
- 用 jQuery 工具函數超越 DOM
- 用 Ajax 與伺服器對話
- 示範:一個基於 Ajax 的聯絡表單

**第三部分 進階主題**
- 當 jQuery 不夠用時...插件來救援!
- 用 Deferred 避免回呼地獄
- 使用 QUnit 進行單元測試
- jQuery 如何融入大型專案