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$296PostgreSQL 即學即用, 2/e (PostgreSQL: Up and Running: A Practical Introduction to the Advanced Open Source Database, 2/e)
Web apps shouldn't be hard to build, right? The developers of Grails agree. This hyper-productive open-source web framework offers "code by convention", leaving developers to focus on what makes their app special. Through its use of Groovy, it gives a powerful, Java-like language and full access to all Java libraries.
Grails in Action is a comprehensive guide to the Grails framework. First, it covers the basics: the domain model, controllers, views, and services. Then, the fun! It dives into a Twitter-style app with features like AJAX/JSON, animation, search, wizards—even messaging and Jabber integration. It also offers loads of great plugins that'll make apps shine.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
Web 應用程式的建置不應該太困難,對吧?Grails 的開發者同意這一點。這個超高生產力的開源網頁框架提供「約定優於配置」的理念,讓開發者專注於使他們的應用程式獨特的部分。透過使用 Groovy,它提供了一種強大的、類似 Java 的語言,並完全訪問所有 Java 函式庫。
《Grails in Action》是一本全面介紹 Grails 框架的指南。首先,它涵蓋了基本概念:領域模型、控制器、視圖和服務。接著,進入有趣的部分!它深入探討一個類似 Twitter 的應用程式,具備 AJAX/JSON、動畫、搜尋、精靈,甚至是訊息和 Jabber 整合等功能。它還提供了大量優秀的插件,讓應用程式更加出色。
購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費電子書,格式包括 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub。