SonarQube in Action (Paperback)
暫譯: SonarQube 實戰

G. Ann Campbell, Patroklos P. Papapetrou

  • 出版商: Manning
  • 出版日期: 2013-11-14
  • 定價: $1,650
  • 售價: 8.8$1,452
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 392
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1617290955
  • ISBN-13: 9781617290954
  • 相關分類: Java 程式語言
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)



content<div><p><b>Summary</b> </p><p><i>SonarQube in Action</i> shows developers how to use the SonarQube platform to help them continuously improve their source code. The book presents SonarQube's core Seven Axes of Quality: design/architecture, duplications, comments, unit tests, complexity, potential bugs, and coding rules. You'll find simple, easy-to-follow discussion and examples as you learn to integrate SonarQube into your development process. </p><p><b>About the Technology</b> </p><p>SonarQube is a powerful open source tool for continuous inspection, a process that makes code quality analysis and reporting an integral part of the development lifecycle. Its unique dashboards, rule-based defect analysis, and tight build integration result in improved code quality without disruption to developer workflow. It supports many languages, including Java, C, C++, C#, PHP, and JavaScript. </p><p><b>About the Book</b> </p><p><i>SonarQube in Action</i> teaches you how to effectively use SonarQube following the continuous inspection model. This practical book systematically explores SonarQube's core Seven Axes of Quality (design, duplications, comments, unit tests, complexity, potential bugs, and coding rules). With well-chosen examples, it helps you learn to use SonarQube's review functionality and IDE integration to implement continuous inspection best practices in your own quality management process. </p><p>The book's Java-based examples translate easily to other development languages. No prior experience with SonarQube or continuous delivery practice is assumed </p><p>Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. </p><p><b>What's Inside</b></p><ul><li>Gather meaningful quality metrics</li> <li>Integrate with Ant, Maven, and Jenkins</li> <li>Write your own plugins</li> <li>Master the art of continuous inspection</li></ul><p><b>About the Authors</b> </p><p><b>Ann Campbellb</b> and <b>Patroklos Papapetrou</b> are experienced developers and team leaders. Both actively contribute to the SonarQube community. </p><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><ol><h5>PART 1 WHAT THE NUMBERS ARE TELLING YOU</h5> <li>An introduction to SonarQube</li><br/><li>Issues and coding standards</li><br/><li>Ensuring that your code is doing things right</li><br/><li>Working with duplicate code</li><br/><li>Optimizing source code documentation</li><br/><li>Keeping your source code files elegant</li><br/><li>Improving your application design</li><br/><h5>PART 2 SETTLING IN WITH SONARQUBE</h5> <li>Planning a strategy and expanding your insight</li><br/><li>Continuous Inspection with SonarQube</li><br/><li>Letting SonarQube drive code reviews</li><br/><li>IDE integration</li><br/><h5>PART 3 ADMINISTERING AND EXTENDING</h5> <li>Security: users, groups, and roles</li> <li>Rule profile administration</li> <li>Making SonarQube fit your needs</li><br/><li>Managing your projects</li><br/><li>Writing your own plugins</li></ol></div>sourceProduct Description



*SonarQube in Action* 向開發人員展示如何使用 SonarQube 平台來持續改善他們的源代碼。本書介紹了 SonarQube 的核心七個質量軸:設計/架構、重複代碼、註解、單元測試、複雜性、潛在錯誤和編碼規則。在學習如何將 SonarQube 整合到開發過程中時,您會發現簡單易懂的討論和範例。

SonarQube 是一個強大的開源工具,用於持續檢查,這是一個使代碼質量分析和報告成為開發生命週期不可或缺的一部分的過程。其獨特的儀表板、基於規則的缺陷分析和緊密的構建整合,能在不干擾開發人員工作流程的情況下提高代碼質量。它支持多種語言,包括 Java、C、C++、C#、PHP 和 JavaScript。

*SonarQube in Action* 教您如何有效地使用 SonarQube,遵循持續檢查模型。這本實用的書系統地探討了 SonarQube 的核心七個質量軸(設計、重複代碼、註解、單元測試、複雜性、潛在錯誤和編碼規則)。通過精心挑選的範例,它幫助您學會使用 SonarQube 的審查功能和 IDE 整合,將持續檢查的最佳實踐應用於自己的質量管理過程。

本書的 Java 範例可以輕鬆轉換為其他開發語言。不假設讀者具備 SonarQube 或持續交付實踐的先前經驗。

購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub 格式電子書。

- 收集有意義的質量指標
- 與 Ant、Maven 和 Jenkins 整合
- 編寫自己的插件
- 精通持續檢查的藝術

**Ann Campbell** 和 **Patroklos Papapetrou** 是經驗豐富的開發人員和團隊領導者。兩人都積極貢獻於 SonarQube 社區。

**第一部分 數字告訴你的事**
- SonarQube 簡介
- 問題和編碼標準
- 確保您的代碼正確運行
- 處理重複代碼
- 優化源代碼文檔
- 使您的源代碼文件優雅
- 改善您的應用設計

**第二部分 與 SonarQube 安頓下來**
- 計劃策略並擴展您的見解
- 使用 SonarQube 進行持續檢查
- 讓 SonarQube 驅動代碼審查
- IDE 整合

**第三部分 管理和擴展**
- 安全性:用戶、群組和角色
- 規則配置檔管理
- 使 SonarQube 符合您的需求
- 管理您的項目
- 編寫自己的插件