Agile Excellence for Product Managers: A Guide to Creating Winning Products with Agile Development Teams (Paperback)
暫譯: 產品經理的敏捷卓越:與敏捷開發團隊共同創造成功產品的指南 (平裝本)

Greg Cohen


Organizations are constantly struggling with complex development projects and are in search for a few, straightforward, and easy to learn methods to help deal with their problems. For this reason, more and more software companies are rapidly turning to Agile development to cope with fast changing markets, unknown or changing product requirements, borderless competition, and to solve complex problems. Yet little has been written to guide product managers through the transition in working with Agile teams and the numerous benefits that it affords.

'Agile Excellence for Product Managers' is a plain speaking guide on how to work with Agile development teams to achieve phenomenal product success. It covers the why and how of agile development (including Scrum, XP, and Lean,) the role of product management, release planning, release management, road mapping, creating and prioritizing a product backlog, documentation, product launches, organizational implications and more. It is a must read for product managers making the switch to Agile development as well as product owners and project managers looking for better ways to organize and lead in their companies.



《Agile Excellence for Product Managers》是一本直白的指南,教你如何與敏捷開發團隊合作,以實現卓越的產品成功。它涵蓋了敏捷開發的原因和方法(包括 Scrum、XP 和 Lean)、產品管理的角色、發佈規劃、發佈管理、路線圖的制定、產品待辦清單的創建與優先排序、文檔編寫、產品發布、組織影響等內容。這本書是產品經理轉向敏捷開發的必讀之作,同時也適合尋求更好組織和領導方式的產品負責人和專案經理。