Information Theory and Rate Distortion Theory (Paperback)
暫譯: 資訊理論與速率失真理論 (平裝本)

Jerry Gibson


This book is very specifically targeted to problems in communications and compression by providing the fundamental principles and results in information theory and rate distortion theory for these applications and presenting methods that have proved and will prove useful in analyzing and designing real systems. The chapters contain treatments of entropy, mutual information, lossless source coding, channel capacity, and rate distortion theory; however, it is the selection, ordering, and presentation of the topics within these broad categories that is unique to this concise book. While the coverage of some standard topics is shortened or eliminated, the standard, but important, topics of the chain rules for entropy and mutual information, relative entropy, the data processing inequality, and the Markov chain condition receive a full treatment. Similarly, lossless source coding techniques presented include the Lempel-Ziv-Welch coding method. The material on rate Distortion theory and exploring fundamental limits on lossy source coding covers the often-neglected Shannon lower bound and the Shannon backward channel condition, rate distortion theory for sources with memory, and the extremely practical topic of rate distortion functions for composite sources.

The target audience for the book consists of graduate students at the master's degree level and practicing engineers. It is hoped that practicing engineers can work through this book and comprehend the key results needed to understand the utility of information theory and rate distortion theory and then utilize the results presented to analyze and perhaps improve the communications and compression systems with which they are familiar.

Table of Contents: Preface / Communications, Compression and Fundamental Limits / Entropy and Mutual Information / Lossless Source Coding / Channel Capacity / Rate Distortion Theory and Lossy Source Coding / Bibliography / Author's Biography


這本書專門針對通訊和壓縮中的問題,提供信息理論和速率失真理論的基本原則和結果,並呈現已被證明及將被證明在分析和設計實際系統中有用的方法。各章節涵蓋了熵、互信息、無損源編碼、通道容量和速率失真理論;然而,這本簡明的書籍在這些廣泛類別中的主題選擇、排序和呈現方式是其獨特之處。雖然某些標準主題的涵蓋被縮短或省略,但熵和互信息的鏈規則、相對熵、數據處理不等式以及馬可夫鏈條件等標準但重要的主題則得到了充分的處理。同樣,無損源編碼技術中包括了 Lempel-Ziv-Welch 編碼方法。關於速率失真理論和探索有損源編碼的基本極限的材料涵蓋了經常被忽視的香農下界和香農反向通道條件、具有記憶的源的速率失真理論,以及對於複合源的速率失真函數這一極具實用性的主題。


目錄:前言 / 通訊、壓縮與基本極限 / 熵與互信息 / 無損源編碼 / 通道容量 / 速率失真理論與有損源編碼 / 參考文獻 / 作者簡介