Nmap in the Enterprise: Your Guide to Network Scanning
暫譯: 企業中的 Nmap:網路掃描指南

Angela Orebaugh, Becky Pinkard

  • 出版商: Syngress Media
  • 出版日期: 2008-01-01
  • 定價: $1,980
  • 售價: 5.0$990
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 264
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1597492418
  • ISBN-13: 9781597492416
  • 相關分類: 資訊安全
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)




Nmap, or Network Mapper, is a free, open source tool that is available under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. It is most often used by network administrators and IT security professionals to scan corporate networks, looking for live hosts, specific services, or specific operating systems. Part of the beauty of Nmap is its ability to create IP packets from scratch and send them out utilizing unique methodologies to perform the above-mentioned types of scans and more. This book provides comprehensive coverage of all Nmap features, including detailed, real-world case studies.

. Understand Network Scanning
Master networking and protocol fundamentals, network scanning techniques, common network scanning tools, along with network scanning and policies.
. Get Inside Nmap
Use Nmap in the enterprise, secure Nmap, optimize Nmap, and master advanced Nmap scanning techniques.
. Install, Configure, and Optimize Nmap
Deploy Nmap on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and install from source.
. Take Control of Nmap with the Zenmap GUI
Run Zenmap, manage Zenmap scans, build commands with the Zenmap command wizard, manage Zenmap profiles, and manage Zenmap results.
. Run Nmap in the Enterprise
Start Nmap scanning, discover hosts, port scan, detecting operating systems, and detect service and application versions
. Raise those Fingerprints
Understand the mechanics of Nmap OS fingerprinting, Nmap OS fingerprint scan as an administrative tool, and detect and evade the OS fingerprint scan.
. "Tool" around with Nmap
Learn about Nmap add-on and helper tools: NDiff--Nmap diff, RNmap--Remote Nmap, Bilbo, Nmap-parser.
. Analyze Real-World Nmap Scans
Follow along with the authors to analyze real-world Nmap scans.
. Master Advanced Nmap Scanning Techniques
Torque Nmap for TCP scan flags customization, packet fragmentation, IP and MAC address spoofing, adding decoy scan source IP addresses, add random data to sent packets, manipulate time-to-live fields, and send packets with bogus TCP or UDP checksums.


Nmap(網路掃描器)是一個免費的開源工具,根據自由軟體基金會發布的 GNU 通用公共授權條款提供。它最常被網路管理員和 IT 安全專業人員用來掃描企業網路,尋找活躍的主機、特定的服務或特定的作業系統。Nmap 的一大優點在於其能夠從零開始創建 IP 封包,並利用獨特的方法執行上述類型的掃描及更多功能。本書全面涵蓋了所有 Nmap 功能,包括詳細的實際案例研究。


深入了解 Nmap
在企業中使用 Nmap,確保 Nmap 的安全性,優化 Nmap,並掌握進階的 Nmap 掃描技術。

安裝、配置和優化 Nmap
在 Windows、Linux、Mac OS X 上部署 Nmap,並從源碼安裝。

使用 Zenmap GUI 控制 Nmap
運行 Zenmap,管理 Zenmap 掃描,使用 Zenmap 命令精靈構建命令,管理 Zenmap 配置檔,並管理 Zenmap 結果。

在企業中運行 Nmap
開始 Nmap 掃描,發現主機,進行端口掃描,檢測作業系統,並檢測服務和應用程式版本。

了解 Nmap 作業系統指紋識別的機制,將 Nmap 作業系統指紋掃描作為管理工具,並檢測和躲避作業系統指紋掃描。

與 Nmap 一起「玩」
了解 Nmap 附加工具和輔助工具:NDiff(Nmap 差異)、RNmap(遠端 Nmap)、Bilbo、Nmap-parser。

分析實際的 Nmap 掃描
跟隨作者分析實際的 Nmap 掃描。

掌握進階 Nmap 掃描技術
調整 Nmap 的 TCP 掃描標誌自定義、封包分片、IP 和 MAC 地址偽裝、添加誘餌掃描源 IP 地址、向發送的封包添加隨機數據、操控生存時間字段,並發送帶有虛假 TCP 或 UDP 校驗和的封包。