Web Security for Developers
暫譯: 開發者的網路安全指南

McDonald, Malcolm



Website security made easy. This book covers the most common ways websites get hacked and how web developers can defend themselves.

Every website today is vulnerable to attack and a compromised website can ruin a company's reputation. Web Security for Developers covers everything a web developer needs to know about web security. Readers will learn who attackers are and what they have at their disposal, how the Internet and websites operate, and various ways websites get attacked. Author Malcolm McDonald explores common attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting, as well as common vulnerabilities like information leakage. The first half of the book describes security concepts every developer should know while the second half delves into the individual vulnerabilities themselves, offering real-world examples and code samples.



當今每個網站都容易受到攻擊,而被攻擊的網站可能會毀壞公司的聲譽。開發人員的網路安全 涵蓋了網頁開發人員需要了解的所有網路安全知識。讀者將學習攻擊者是誰以及他們擁有什麼工具,互聯網和網站的運作方式,以及網站被攻擊的各種方式。作者 Malcolm McDonald 探討了常見的攻擊方式,如 SQL 注入和跨站腳本攻擊,以及常見的漏洞,如資訊洩漏。本書的前半部分描述了每位開發人員應該了解的安全概念,而後半部分則深入探討各種個別漏洞,提供實際案例和程式碼範例。


Malcolm McDonald has been writing code for nearly 20 years. Realizing there was a lack of direct, practical learning material on the internet on web security, he created www.hacksplaining.com, an online security training program for web developers.


Malcolm McDonald 已經寫了將近 20 年的程式碼。他意識到網路上缺乏直接且實用的網路安全學習材料,因此創建了 www.hacksplaining.com,這是一個針對網頁開發者的線上安全訓練計畫。

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