25 Scratch 3 Games for Kids: A Playful Guide to Coding (Paperback) (25 款 Scratch 3 遊戲:兒童編程的趣味指南)

Wainewright, Max




25 classic games that kids can program in the wildly popular beginning programming language, Scratch, from the MIT Media Lab.

25 Scratch Games for Kids introduces kids to the basics of programming with Scratch by teaching them how to program 25 games. This highly visual introduction to the language by best selling author Max Wainewright will have kids coding classic arcade games that use animation and sound, and integrate core programming fundamentals, like loops, variables, and functions. Each game tutorial includes an open-ended exercise for the reader to tackle on their own. Perfect for both beginning and more experience Scratchers, 25 Scratch Games for Kids is a surefire way to jumpstart a lifelong passion for programming.

Covers Scratch 3.0



「《25個Scratch遊戲給孩子們》通過教授他們如何編寫25個遊戲,向孩子們介紹了使用Scratch進行編程的基礎知識。這本由暢銷作家Max Wainewright撰寫的高度視覺化的語言入門書籍,將讓孩子們編寫使用動畫和聲音的經典街機遊戲,並融入核心的編程基礎知識,如循環、變量和函數。每個遊戲教程都包含一個開放式的練習,供讀者自行解決。《25個Scratch遊戲給孩子們》非常適合初學者和有經驗的Scratcher,絕對能夠激發對編程的終身熱情。」

「涵蓋Scratch 3.0版本。」


Max Wainewright, an experienced elementary and high school teacher, has written dozens of educational books and software titles for children, including the best selling Code Your Own Games! (40,000 sold). He has designed and developed coding software and online tools used by London Grid for Learning and is the founder of 2Simple Software. Wainewright is also an app developer and web designer whose programs and websites have won a number of awards including BETT, ERA, and Practical Pre-School Gold Awards. He lives in London with his wife and two children and teaches part time in a London elementary school.


Max Wainewright,一位經驗豐富的小學和中學教師,已經為兒童撰寫了數十本教育書籍和軟體,其中包括暢銷書《Code Your Own Games!》(已售出40,000本)。他設計和開發了倫敦學習網使用的編碼軟體和線上工具,並且是2Simple Software的創辦人。Wainewright還是一位應用程式開發者和網頁設計師,他的程式和網站曾獲得BETT、ERA和Practical Pre-School Gold Awards等多個獎項。他與妻子和兩個孩子居住在倫敦,並在倫敦的一所小學兼職教學。