Learn Java the Easy Way: A Hands-On Introduction to Programming
暫譯: 輕鬆學習 Java:實作導向的程式設計入門

Bryson Payne




Java is the world’s most popular programming language, but it’s known for having a steep learning curve. Learn Java the Easy Way takes the chore out of learning Java with hands-on projects that will get you building real, functioning apps right away.

You’ll start by familiarizing yourself with JShell, Java’s interactive command line shell that allows programmers to run single lines of code and get immediate feedback. Then, you’ll create a guessing game, a secret message encoder, and a multitouch bubble-drawing app for both desktop and mobile devices using Eclipse, an industry-standard IDE, and Android Studio, the development environment for making Android apps.

As you build these apps, you’ll learn how to:
-Perform calculations, manipulate text strings, and generate random colors
-Use conditions, loops, and methods to make your programs responsive and concise
-Create functions to reuse code and save time
-Build graphical user interface (GUI) elements, including buttons, menus, pop-ups, and sliders 
-Take advantage of Eclipse and Android Studio features to debug your code and find, fix, and prevent common mistakes

If you’ve been thinking about learning Java, Learn Java the Easy Way will bring you up to speed in no time.


Java 是全球最受歡迎的程式語言,但它以學習曲線陡峭而聞名。《Learn Java the Easy Way》透過實作專案,讓學習 Java 的過程變得輕鬆,讓你能立即開始建立真正可運行的應用程式。

你將首先熟悉 JShell,這是 Java 的互動命令列介面,允許程式設計師執行單行程式碼並獲得即時反饋。接著,你將使用 Eclipse(業界標準的 IDE)和 Android Studio(用於開發 Android 應用程式的開發環境)來創建一個猜謎遊戲、一個秘密訊息編碼器,以及一個適用於桌面和行動裝置的多點觸控泡泡繪圖應用程式。

- 執行計算、操作文字字串並生成隨機顏色
- 使用條件、迴圈和方法使你的程式具有響應性且簡潔
- 創建函數以重用程式碼並節省時間
- 建立圖形使用者介面(GUI)元素,包括按鈕、選單、彈出視窗和滑桿
- 利用 Eclipse 和 Android Studio 的功能來除錯你的程式碼,找出、修正並預防常見錯誤

如果你一直在考慮學習 Java,《Learn Java the Easy Way》將讓你迅速上手。