IOS Application Security: The Definitive Guide for Hackers and Developers (Paperback)

David Thiel




Eliminating security holes in iOS apps is critical for any developer who wants to protect their users from the bad guys. In iOS Application Security, mobile security expert David Thiel reveals common iOS coding mistakes that create serious security problems and shows you how to find and fix them.

After a crash course on iOS application structure and Objective-C design patterns, you'll move on to spotting bad code and plugging the holes. You'l learn about:

  • The iOS security model and the limits of its built-in protections
  • The myriad ways sensitive data can leak into places it shouldn't, such as through the pasteboard
  • How to implement encryption with the Keychain, the Data Protection API, and CommonCryptoLegacy flaws from C that still cause problems in modern iOS applications
  • Privacy issues related to gathering user data and how to mitigate potential pitfalls

Don't let your app's security leak become another headline. Whether you're looking to bolster your app's defenses or hunting bugs in other people's code, iOS Application Security will help you get the job done well.


在iOS應用程式中消除安全漏洞對於任何希望保護使用者免受壞人侵害的開發者來說都是至關重要的。在《iOS應用程式安全》中,移動安全專家David Thiel揭示了常見的iOS編碼錯誤,這些錯誤會造成嚴重的安全問題,並且教你如何找到並修復這些問題。


- iOS安全模型及其內建保護的限制
- 敏感數據可能泄漏到不應該出現的地方的多種方式,例如通過剪貼板
- 如何使用Keychain、Data Protection API和CommonCrypto等方式實現加密,以及C語言中的Legacy漏洞如何在現代iOS應用程式中仍然引起問題
- 與收集使用者數據相關的隱私問題,以及如何減輕潛在的風險
