Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time! (Paperback)

Conrad Barski




Lisp has been hailed as the world's most powerful programming language, but its cryptic syntax and academic reputation can be enough to scare off even experienced programmers. Those dark days are finally over—Land of Lisp brings the power of functional programming to the people!

With his brilliantly quirky comics and out-of-this-world games, longtime Lisper Conrad Barski teaches you the mysteries of Common Lisp. You'll start with the basics, like list manipulation, I/O, and recursion, then move on to more complex topics like macros, higher order programming, and domain-specific languages. Then, when your brain overheats, you can kick back with an action-packed comic book interlude!

Along the way you'll create (and play) games like Wizard Adventure, a text adventure with a whiskey-soaked twist, and Grand Theft Wumpus, the most violent version of Hunt the Wumpus the world has ever seen.

You'll learn to:

  • Master the quirks of Lisp's syntax and semantics
  • Write concise and elegant functional programs
  • Use macros, create domain-specific languages, and learn other advanced Lisp techniques
  • Create your own web server, and use it to play browser-based games
  • Put your Lisp skills to the test by writing brain-melting games like Dice of Doom and Orc Battle

With Land of Lisp, the power of functional programming is yours to wield.



長期以來,Lisp愛好者Conrad Barski以他獨特的漫畫和超凡脫俗的遊戲教授你Common Lisp的奧秘。你將從基礎知識開始,如列表操作、I/O和遞迴,然後進一步探討更複雜的主題,如宏、高階編程和領域特定語言。當你的大腦過熱時,你還可以輕鬆閱讀一段充滿動作的漫畫插曲!



- 掌握Lisp語法和語義的怪癖
- 編寫簡潔優雅的函數式程式
- 使用宏,創建領域特定語言,並學習其他高級Lisp技術
- 創建自己的網頁伺服器,並使用它來玩基於瀏覽器的遊戲
- 通過編寫腦洞大開的遊戲,如《毀滅之骰》和《獸人之戰》,來測試你的Lisp技能
