The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook (Hardcover)
暫譯: Linux 程式設計介面:Linux 與 UNIX 系統程式設計手冊 (精裝版)

Michael Kerrisk



The Linux Programming Interface is the definitive guide to the Linux and UNIX programming interface—the interface employed by nearly every application that runs on a Linux or UNIX system.

In this authoritative work, Linux programming expert Michael Kerrisk provides detailed descriptions of the system calls and library functions that you need in order to master the craft of system programming, and accompanies his explanations with clear, complete example programs.

You'll find descriptions of over 500 system calls and library functions, and more than 200 example programs, 88 tables, and 115 diagrams. You'll learn how to:

  • Read and write files efficiently
  • Use signals, clocks, and timers
  • Create processes and execute programs
  • Write secure programs
  • Write multithreaded programs using POSIX threads
  • Build and use shared libraries
  • Perform interprocess communication using pipes, message queues, shared memory, and semaphores
  • Write network applications with the sockets API

While The Linux Programming Interface covers a wealth of Linux-specific features, including epoll, inotify, and the /proc file system, its emphasis on UNIX standards (POSIX.1-2001/SUSv3 and POSIX.1-2008/SUSv4) makes it equally valuable to programmers working on other UNIX platforms.

The Linux Programming Interface is the most comprehensive single-volume work on the Linux and UNIX programming interface, and a book that's destined to become a new classic.

Praise for The Linux Programming Interface

"If I had to choose a single book to sit next to my machine when writing software for Linux, this would be it." —Martin Landers, Software Engineer, Google

"This book, with its detailed descriptions and examples, contains everything you need to understand the details and nuances of the low-level programming APIs in Linux . . . no matter what the level of reader, there will be something to be learnt from this book." —Mel Gorman, Author of Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager

"Michael Kerrisk has not only written a great book about Linux programming and how it relates to various standards, but has also taken care that bugs he noticed got fixed and the man pages were (greatly) improved. In all three ways, he has made Linux programming easier. The in-depth treatment of topics in The Linux Programming Interface . . . makes it a must-have reference for both new and experienced Linux programmers." —Andreas Jaeger, Program Manager, openSUSE, Novell

"Michael's inexhaustible determination to get his information right, and to express it clearly and concisely, has resulted in a strong reference source for programmers. While this work is targeted at Linux programmers, it will be of value to any programmer working in the UNIX/POSIX ecosystem." —David Butenhof, Author of Programming with POSIX Threads and Contributor to the POSIX and UNIX Standards

". . . a very thorough—yet easy to read—explanation of UNIX system and network programming, with an emphasis on Linux systems. It's certainly a book I'd recommend to anybody wanting to get into UNIX programming (in general) or to experienced UNIX programmers wanting to know 'what's new' in the popular GNU/Linux system." —Fernando Gont, Network Security Researcher, IETF Participant, and RFC Author

". . . encyclopedic in the breadth and depth of its coverage, and textbook-like in its wealth of worked examples and exercises. Each topic is clearly and comprehensively covered, from theory to hands-on working code. Professionals, students, educators, this is the Linux/UNIX reference that you have been waiting for." —Anthony Robins, Associate Professor of Computer Science, The University of Otago

"I've been very impressed by the precision, the quality and the level of detail Michael Kerrisk put in his book. He is a great expert of Linux system calls and lets us share his knowledge and understanding of the Linux APIs." —Christophe Blaess, Author of Programmation systeme en C sous Linux

". . . an essential resource for the serious or professional Linux and UNIX systems programmer. Michael Kerrisk covers the use of all the key APIs across both the Linux and UNIX system interfaces with clear descriptions and tutorial examples and stresses the importance and benefits of following standards such as the Single UNIX Specification and POSIX 1003.1." —Andrew Josey, Director, Standards, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working Group

"What could be better than an encyclopedic reference to the Linux system, from the standpoint of the system programmer, written by none other than the maintainer of the man pages himself? The Linux Programming Interface is comprehensive and detailed. I firmly expect it to become an indispensable addition to my programming bookshelf." —Bill Gallmeister, Author of POSIX.4 Programmer's Guide: Programming for the Real World

". . . the most complete and up-to-date book about Linux and UNIX system programming. If you're new to Linux system programming, if you're a UNIX veteran focused on portability while interested in learning the Linux way, or if you're simply looking for an excellent reference about the Linux programming interface, then Michael Kerrisk's book is definitely the companion you want on your bookshelf." —Loic Domaigne, Chief Software Architect (Embedded),


《Linux 程式設計介面》是 Linux 和 UNIX 程式設計介面的權威指南——幾乎所有在 Linux 或 UNIX 系統上運行的應用程式都使用這個介面。

在這本權威著作中,Linux 程式設計專家 Michael Kerrisk 提供了詳細的系統呼叫和函式庫函數的描述,這些都是掌握系統程式設計所需的,並且用清晰、完整的範例程式來輔助他的解釋。

您將找到超過 500 個系統呼叫和函式庫函數的描述,以及 200 多個範例程式、88 個表格和 115 個圖示。您將學會如何:

- 高效地讀取和寫入檔案
- 使用信號、時鐘和計時器
- 創建進程並執行程式
- 編寫安全的程式
- 使用 POSIX threads 編寫多執行緒程式
- 建立和使用共享函式庫
- 使用管道、訊息佇列、共享記憶體和信號量進行進程間通信
- 使用 sockets API 編寫網路應用程式

雖然《Linux 程式設計介面》涵蓋了大量 Linux 特有的功能,包括 epoll、inotify 和 /proc 檔案系統,但它對 UNIX 標準(POSIX.1-2001/SUSv3 和 POSIX.1-2008/SUSv4)的重視,使其對於在其他 UNIX 平台上工作的程式設計師同樣具有價值。

《Linux 程式設計介面》是關於 Linux 和 UNIX 程式設計介面的最全面的單卷著作,注定會成為新的經典。

讚譽《Linux 程式設計介面》

「如果我必須選擇一本書放在我的機器旁邊以便在 Linux 上編寫軟體,這就是它。」——Martin Landers,Google 軟體工程師

「這本書以其詳細的描述和範例,包含了您理解 Linux 中低階程式設計 API 的所有細節和細微差別所需的一切……無論讀者的水平如何,這本書都會有值得學習的內容。」——Mel Gorman,《Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager》作者

「Michael Kerrisk 不僅寫了一本關於 Linux 程式設計及其與各種標準的關係的好書,還確保他注意到的錯誤得到了修正,手冊頁面得到了(大幅)改善。在這三方面,他都使 Linux 程式設計變得更容易。《Linux 程式設計介面》中對主題的深入探討……使其成為新手和經驗豐富的 Linux 程式設計師必備的參考書。」——Andreas Jaeger,openSUSE 程式經理,Novell

「Michael 對於準確獲取資訊的無盡決心,以及清晰簡潔地表達這些資訊,使得這本書成為程式設計師的強大參考來源。雖然這部作品針對 Linux 程式設計師,但對於任何在 UNIX/POSIX 生態系統中工作的程式設計師都將具有價值。」——David Butenhof,《Programming with POSIX Threads》作者及 POSIX 和 UNIX 標準的貢獻者

「……對 UNIX 系統和網路程式設計的解釋非常徹底——卻又易於閱讀,特別強調 Linux 系統。這無疑是我會推薦給任何想要進入 UNIX 程式設計(一般)或希望了解 GNU/Linux 系統中『新事物』的經驗豐富的 UNIX 程式設計師的書。」——Fernando Gont,網路安全研究員,IETF 參與者及 RFC 作者

「……在其涵蓋的廣度和深度上如同百科全書,並且在其豐富的範例和練習上如同教科書。每個主題都清晰且全面地涵蓋,從理論到實作的程式碼。專業人士、學生、教育工作者,這是您一直在等待的 Linux/UNIX 參考書。」——Anthony Robins,奧塔哥大學計算機科學副教授

「我對 Michael Kerrisk 在他的書中所展現的精確性、質量和細節水平印象深刻。他是 Linux 系統呼叫的偉大專家,讓我們分享他對 Linux API 的知識和理解。」——Christophe Blaess,《Programmation systeme en C sous Linux》作者

「……對於認真或專業的 Linux 和 UNIX 系統程式設計師來說,這是一本必備資源。Michael Kerrisk 清晰地描述了 Linux 和 UNIX 系統介面中所有關鍵 API 的使用,並提供了教學範例,強調遵循如 Single UNIX Specification 和 POSIX 1003.1 等標準的重要性和好處。」——Andrew Josey,The Open Group 標準部主任及 POSIX 1003.1 工作組主席

「從系統程式設計師的角度來看,沒有比這本由手冊頁面維護者本人撰寫的 Linux 系統百科全書式參考書更好的了。《Linux 程式設計介面》內容全面且詳細。我堅信它將成為我程式設計書架上不可或缺的補充。」——Bill Gallmeister,《POSIX.4 Programmer's Guide: Programming for the Real World》作者

「……是關於 Linux 和 UNIX 系統程式設計的最完整和最新的書籍。如果您是 Linux 系統程式設計的新手,或者您是一位專注於可攜性並希望了解 Linux 方法的 UNIX 老手,或者您只是想尋找一本關於 Linux 程式設計介面的優秀參考書,那麼 Michael Kerrisk 的書絕對是您書架上想要的伴侶。」——Loic Domaigne, 首席軟體架構師(嵌入式)