$880$695 -
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$199Amazon.com Mashups
$1,290$1,226 -
$1,290$1,226 -
$1,290$1,226 -
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$299How to Do Everything with Web 2.0 Mashups (Paperback)
$399Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web Services
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$299Creating Mashups with Adobe Flex and AIR (Paperback)
$199Foundation Expression Blend 2: Building Applications in WPF and Silverlight (Paperback)
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Microsoft Silverlight allows you to create rich multimedia interfaces with the power and flexibility of Flash, but with the extensibility and the great tools that .NET offers. With Silverlight and ASP.NET Revealed, you’ll learn to use Microsoft’s Silverlight technology in conjunction with ASP.NET and Visual Studio 2008 (codename Orcas). You will ultimately incorporate Silverlight into an ASP.NET web site and use the ASP.NET controls that render Silverlight content. But you’ll also get the basics of Silverlight, too, making this book a must-read for any web developer curious about Silverlight.
Silverlight and ASP.NET Revealed assumes a deep knowledge of ASP.NET, but no knowledge of Silverlight.
Microsoft Silverlight 讓您能夠創建豐富的多媒體介面,具備 Flash 的強大和靈活性,但同時擁有 .NET 提供的可擴展性和優秀工具。透過《Silverlight 和 ASP.NET 揭密》,您將學會如何將 Microsoft 的 Silverlight 技術與 ASP.NET 和 Visual Studio 2008(代號 Orcas)結合使用。最終,您將把 Silverlight 整合到 ASP.NET 網站中,並使用渲染 Silverlight 內容的 ASP.NET 控制項。不過,您也會學到 Silverlight 的基本知識,使這本書成為任何對 Silverlight 感到好奇的網頁開發者必讀的書籍。
《Silverlight 和 ASP.NET 揭密》假設讀者對 ASP.NET 有深入的了解,但對 Silverlight 則不需要任何知識。