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Just as every business needs to effectively employ Business Intelligence (BI) to stay competitive, every IT professional needs to master BI to stay employed in this fastest-growing segment of Information Technology. Foundations of SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence is the quickest path to understanding BI, and it is essential reading for all who work with SQL Server 2005. It is written from a practical perspective, perfect for anyone who uses the tools in SQL Server 2005's extraordinarily rich BI product suite.
This book explains how best to use Analysis Services, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Reporting Services, and SQL Server Data Mining. It also describes best practices for implementing end-to-end BI solutions in small, medium, and large business environments. And it provides important information about integrating BI with various client tools, including Excel, Business Scorecards, Proclarity, and SharePoint Portal Server. Developers, end users, and even managers will find this an enlightening guide to the power and promise of SQL Server 2005 BI. Highlights include the following:
- Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the SQL Server 2005 BI tool suite
- Concise, yet thorough, so you can use all BI tools effectively
- Special focus on features to use--and avoid--to cleanly scale BI solutions
- Full of sound, practical guidance on real-world best practices
- Essential reading for developers and users with any level of BI experience
《SQL Server 2005 商業智能基礎》是理解商業智能的最快捷途徑,對於所有使用 SQL Server 2005 的人來說都是必讀的。本書從實用的角度出發,非常適合使用 SQL Server 2005 極其豐富的商業智能產品套件的任何人。
本書解釋了如何最佳地使用 Analysis Services、SQL Server Integration Services、SQL Server Reporting Services 和 SQL Server Data Mining。它還描述了在小型、中型和大型企業環境中實施端到端商業智能解決方案的最佳實踐。此外,它還提供了將商業智能與各種客戶端工具(包括 Excel、Business Scorecards、Proclarity 和 SharePoint Portal Server)集成的重要信息。開發人員、最終用戶甚至管理人員都會發現這是一本關於 SQL Server 2005 商業智能的有關力量和承諾的啟發性指南。亮點包括以下內容:
- 全面涵蓋 SQL Server 2005 商業智能工具套件的所有方面
- 簡潔而全面,讓您能夠有效地使用所有商業智能工具
- 特別關注清晰擴展商業智能解決方案的功能,以及應該使用和避免的特性
- 充滿實用指導,提供現實世界的最佳實踐
- 對於具有任何程度商業智能經驗的開發人員和用戶來說都是必讀之書