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Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are one of the most important technologies on the web today. They give web developers the power to style their web sites so those sites are usable, compact, good looking, consistently displayable, and quick and efficient to change if so desired.
There are many books out there on CSS, but Beginning CSS Web Development is different—it doesnt waste time discussing theory, and it delves straight into the practical matter. It provides you with what you need to know, faster. It is also completely up to date, covering the most modern CSS standards and design techniques.
In addition to the essential CSS basics, this book covers advanced techniques like accessibility, hacks, and filters. The book concludes with a case study, and features a CSS reference section that allows you to look up required syntax as quickly as possible.
Table of Contents
PART 1 - Get to Know CSS
- Getting Started
- Core Concepts of CSS
- CSS Building Blocks
- Text
- Color, Backgrounds, and Images
- Lists
- Links
- Tables and Definition Lists
- Forms
- PART 2 - Logical Layouts
- Layout Basics
- Classic Layouts
- Layout Manipulation
- The Journey from Layout to Template
- Usability and Accessibility Enhancements
- Tips, Tricks, and Troubles
- Case Study: The Dead Goods
- CSS Reference
層疊樣式表 (Cascading Style Sheets, CSS) 是當今網路上最重要的技術之一。它們賦予網頁開發者為其網站設計樣式的能力,使這些網站可用、緊湊、美觀、一致顯示,並且在需要時能快速有效地進行更改。
市面上有許多關於 CSS 的書籍,但《Beginning CSS Web Development》與眾不同——它不浪費時間討論理論,而是直接深入實務內容。它提供了您需要知道的知識,讓您更快掌握。這本書也完全與時俱進,涵蓋了最新的 CSS 標準和設計技術。
除了基本的 CSS 知識外,本書還涵蓋了進階技術,如可及性、技巧和過濾器。書籍最後包含了一個案例研究,並設有 CSS 參考部分,讓您能夠快速查找所需的語法。
第一部分 - 認識 CSS
- 開始使用
- CSS 的核心概念
- CSS 的基本構件
- 文字
- 顏色、背景和圖片
- 列表
- 連結
- 表格和定義列表
- 表單
第二部分 - 邏輯佈局
- 佈局基礎
- 經典佈局
- 佈局操作
- 從佈局到模板的旅程
- 可用性和可及性增強
- 提示、技巧和問題
- 案例研究:死貨
- CSS 參考