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$791The Official Robosapien Hacker's Guide
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$99MAKE: Technology on Your Time Volume 13: Technology on Your Time (Make)
$99Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 17 (Paperback)
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$99Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 24 (Paperback)
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$99Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 26 (Paperback)
$99Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 28 (Paperback)
$99Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 31 (Paperback)
You'll loveThe Robosapien Companion: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks whether youre a robotics expert or beginner. And whether you own a Robosapien or not, or are anticipating the V2 release, youll learn about the workings and theory of this fun robot. An owner of several Robosapiens himself, author Jamie Samans covers everything from basics like diagnosing and testing your new Robosapien, to advanced topics like hacking and modifications. He thoroughly covers what he calls the curiosity and creativity?of this famous bot.
The book functions as both a practical user guide and an interesting read about the theory behind the machine: BEAM robotics. (BEAM stands for biology, electronics, aesthetics, and mechanics.) Youll learn about Robos 67 unique functions, and get the full scoop on the upcoming line of Robosapiens: the Robopet, the Roboraptor, and the bipedal Robosapien V2. By the books end, youll come to master your V1 or become fully prepared for the exciting upgrades planned for V2.
您無論是機器人專家還是初學者,都會喜愛《Robosapien 伴侶:技巧、竅門與破解》。無論您是否擁有 Robosapien,或是期待 V2 的發布,您都將了解這個有趣機器人的運作原理和理論。作者 Jamie Samans 本身擁有多台 Robosapien,涵蓋了從診斷和測試新 Robosapien 等基本知識,到駭客和修改等進階主題。他徹底探討了他所稱的這個著名機器人的好奇心和創造力。
本書既是實用的使用者指南,也是關於機器背後理論的有趣讀物:BEAM 機器人學。(BEAM 代表生物學、電子學、美學和機械學。)您將了解 Robos 的 67 種獨特功能,並獲得即將推出的 Robosapien 系列的完整資訊:Robopet、Roboraptor 和雙足的 Robosapien V2。到書的結尾,您將掌握您的 V1,或為即將到來的 V2 升級做好充分準備。