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Pro PHP Security is one of the first books devoted solely to PHP security. It will serve as your complete guide for taking defensive and proactive security measures within your PHP applications. (And the methods discussed are compatible with PHP versions 3, 4, and 5.)
The knowledge you'll gain from this comprehensive guide will help you prevent attackers from potentially disrupting site operation or destroying data. And you'll learn about various security measures, for example, creating and deploying "captchas," validating e-mail, fending off SQL injection attacks, and preventing cross-site scripting attempts.
《Pro PHP Security》是首本專門針對 PHP 安全性的書籍。它將成為您在 PHP 應用程式中採取防禦性和主動性安全措施的完整指南。(書中討論的方法與 PHP 版本 3、4 和 5 兼容。)
您將從這本全面的指南中獲得的知識將幫助您防止攻擊者潛在地干擾網站運作或破壞數據。您將學習各種安全措施,例如,創建和部署「驗證碼」(captchas)、驗證電子郵件、抵禦 SQL 注入攻擊以及防止跨站腳本攻擊(cross-site scripting)嘗試。