Python Scripting for ArcGIS (Paperback) (ArcGIS 的 Python 腳本編寫)

Paul A. Zandbergen




Python Scripting for ArcGIS is a guide to help experienced users of ArcGIS® for Desktop get started with Python® scripting. This book teaches how to write Python code that works with spatial data to automate geoprocessing tasks in ArcGIS. Readers can thus learn the skill set needed to create custom tools. The book contains 14 chapters, with the corresponding data and exercises on the accompanying DVD. A 180-day trial of ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop software is also provided as an online download.

Key topics in this book include:
  • Python language fundamentals
  • Automating geoprocessing tasks
  • Exploring and manipulating spatial data
  • Working with geometries and rasters
  • Map scripting
  • Debugging and error handling
  • Creating functions and classes
  • Creating and sharing script tools
More details on the book can be found at the Esri Press website: This includes sample chapters for download. Instructor who are considering the book as a textbook for a course can request a deskcopy from Esri Press:


《Python Scripting for ArcGIS》是一本指南,旨在幫助有經驗的ArcGIS® for Desktop用戶開始使用Python®腳本。本書教授如何編寫Python代碼,以處理空間數據並自動化ArcGIS中的地理處理任務。讀者可以學習創建自定義工具所需的技能。本書共有14章,附帶DVD提供相應的數據和練習。此外,還提供了ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop軟件的180天試用版作為在線下載。


  • Python語言基礎

  • 自動化地理處理任務

  • 探索和操作空間數據

  • 處理幾何和光柵數據

  • 地圖腳本編寫

  • 調試和錯誤處理

  • 創建函數和類

  • 創建和共享腳本工具

有關本書的更多詳細信息可在Esri Press網站上找到。該網站提供可供下載的示例章節。考慮將本書作為課程教材的教師可以向Esri Press申請試讀本。