CCNA Cyber Ops SECOPS 210-255 Official Cert Guide (Certification Guide)
暫譯: CCNA Cyber Ops SECOPS 210-255 官方認證指南

Omar Santos, Joseph Muniz


Learn, prepare, and practice for CCNA Cyber Ops SECOPS #210-255 exam success with this Official Cert Guide from Pearson IT Certification, a leader in IT Certification learning.

  • Master CCNA Cyber Ops SECOPS #210-255 exam topics
  • Assess your knowledge with chapter-ending quizzes
  • Review key concepts with exam preparation tasks
  • Practice with realistic exam questions

CCNA Cyber Ops SECOPS 210-255 Official Cert Guide is a best-of-breed exam study guide. Best-selling authors and internationally respected cybersecurity experts Omar Santos and Joseph Muniz share preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills. Material is presented in a concise manner, focusing on increasing your understanding and retention of exam topics.

The book presents you with an organized test preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. Exam topic lists make referencing easy. Chapter-ending Exam Preparation Tasks help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughly. Review questions help you assess your knowledge and a final preparation chapter guides you through tools and resources to help you craft your final study plan.

The companion website contains the powerful Pearson Test Prep practice test software, complete with hundreds of exam-realistic questions. The assessment engine offers you a wealth of customization options and reporting features, laying out a complete assessment of your knowledge to help you focus your study where it is needed most.

Well-regarded for its level of detail, assessment features, and challenging review questions and exercises, this study guide helps you master the concepts and techniques that will allow you to succeed on the exam the first time.

The study guide helps you master all the topics on the SECOPS #210-255 exam, including:

  • Threat analysis
  • Forensics
  • Intrusion analysis
  • NetFlow for cybersecurity
  • Incident response and the incident handling process
  • Incident response teams
  • Compliance frameworks
  • Network and host profiling
  • Data and event analysis
  • Intrusion event categories

Companion Website
The website contains two free, complete practice exams.
Includes Exclusive Offer for 70% Off Premium Edition eBook and Practice Test

Pearson Test Prep online system requirements:
Browsers: Chrome version 40 and above, Firefox version 35 and above, Safari version 7, Internet Explorer 10, 11, Microsoft Edge, Opera. Devices: Desktop and
laptop computers, tablets running on Android and iOS, smartphones with a minimum screen size of 4.7". Internet access required.

Pearson Test Prep offline system requirements:
Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, or Vista (SP2), Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Client; Pentium-class 1 GHz processor (or equivalent); 512 MB RAM; 650 MB disk space plus 50 MB for each downloaded practice exam; access to the Internet to register and download exam databases


學習、準備並練習以成功通過 CCNA Cyber Ops SECOPS #210-255 考試,這本來自 Pearson IT Certification 的官方認證指南是 IT 認證學習的領導者。

- 精通 CCNA Cyber Ops SECOPS #210-255 考試主題
- 透過章節結尾的測驗評估您的知識
- 透過考試準備任務回顧關鍵概念
- 使用真實的考試問題進行練習

CCNA Cyber Ops SECOPS 210-255 官方認證指南 是一部最佳的考試學習指南。暢銷作者及國際知名的網路安全專家 Omar Santos 和 Joseph Muniz 分享準備提示和考試技巧,幫助您識別弱點並改善您的概念知識和實作技能。材料以簡潔的方式呈現,專注於提高您對考試主題的理解和記憶。


伴隨網站包含強大的 Pearson Test Prep 練習測試軟體,內含數百道考試真實問題。評估引擎提供豐富的自訂選項和報告功能,全面評估您的知識,幫助您將學習重點放在最需要的地方。


這本學習指南幫助您掌握 SECOPS #210-255 考試的所有主題,包括:
- 威脅分析
- 法醫學
- 入侵分析
- 用於網路安全的 NetFlow
- 事件響應及事件處理過程
- 事件響應團隊
- 合規框架
- 網路和主機分析
- 數據和事件分析
- 入侵事件類別

包括獨家優惠,享有 70% 折扣的高級版電子書和練習測試

Pearson Test Prep 在線系統要求:
瀏覽器:Chrome 版本 40 及以上,Firefox 版本 35 及以上,Safari 版本 7,Internet Explorer 10、11,Microsoft Edge,Opera。設備:桌面和筆記型電腦,運行 Android 和 iOS 的平板電腦,最小螢幕尺寸為 4.7 英寸的智能手機。需要網際網路連接。

Pearson Test Prep 離線系統要求:
Windows 10、Windows 8.1、Windows 7 或 Vista (SP2),Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 客戶端;Pentium 類 1 GHz 處理器(或同等);512 MB RAM;650 MB 磁碟空間加上每個下載的練習考試 50 MB;需要網際網路連接以註冊和下載考試數據庫。