IPsec Virtual Private Network Fundamentals (Paperback)
暫譯: IPsec 虛擬私人網路基礎知識 (平裝本)
James Henry Carmouche
- 出版商: Cisco Press
- 出版日期: 2006-07-01
- 售價: $2,550
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,423
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 480
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 1587052075
- ISBN-13: 9781587052071
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An introduction to designing and configuring Cisco IPsec VPNs
Understand the basics of the IPsec protocol and learn implementation best practices Study up-to-date IPsec design, incorporating current Cisco innovations in the security and VPN marketplace Learn how to avoid common pitfalls related to IPsec deployment Reinforce theory with case studies, configuration examples showing how IPsec maps to real-world solutions
IPsec Virtual Private Network Fundamentals provides a basic working knowledge of IPsec on various Cisco routing and switching platforms. It provides the foundation necessary to understand the different components of Cisco IPsec implementation and how it can be successfully implemented in a variety of network topologies and markets (service provider, enterprise, financial, government). This book views IPsec as an emerging requirement in most major vertical markets, explaining the need for increased information authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation for secure transmission of confidential data. The book is written using a layered approach, starting with basic explanations of why IPsec was developed and the types of organizations relying on IPsec to secure data transmissions. It then outlines the basic IPsec/ISAKMP fundamentals that were developed to meet demand for secure data transmission. The book covers the design and implementation of IPsec VPN architectures using an array of Cisco products, starting with basic concepts and proceeding to more advanced topics including high availability solutions and public key infrastructure (PKI). Sample topology diagrams and configuration examples are provided in each chapter to reinforce the fundamentals expressed in text and to assist readers in translating concepts into practical deployment scenarios. Additionally, comprehensive case studies are incorporated throughout to map topics to real-world solutions.
Table of Contents
Part I Introductory Concepts and Configuration/Troubleshooting
Chapter 1 Introduction to VPN Technologies
VPN Overview of Common Terms
Characteristics of an Effective VPN
VPN Technologies
Virtual Private Dialup Networks
Multiprotocol Label Switching VPNs
IPsec VPNs
Transport Layer VPNs
Common VPN Deployments
Site-to-Site VPNs
Remote Access VPNs
Business Drivers for VPNs
Remote Access VPN Business Drivers–A Practical Example
Site-to-Site VPN Business Drivers–A Practical Example
IPsec VPNs and the Cisco Security Framework
Chapter 2 IPsec Fundamentals
Overview of Cryptographic Components
Asymmetric Encryption
Symmetric Encryption
Message Authentication, Message Integrity, and Sender Nonrepudiation Mechanisms
Public Key Encryption Methods
RSA Public-Key Technologies
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
The IP Security Protocol (IPsec)
IPsec Modes
IPsec Transforms
IPsec SA
IPsec Configuration Elements
Manual Keying
The Need for Security Association and Key Management
IKE and ISAKMP Terminology and Background
IKE SA Negotiation and Maintenance
IPsec Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret Key Generation Using IKE
IKE Authentication Services
IKE Phase I Negotiation
IKE Phase II Negotiation
Configuring ISAKMP
IKE with RAVPN Extensions
Chapter 3 Basic IPsec VPN Topologies and Configurations
Site-to-Site IPsec VPN Deployments
Site-to-Site VPN Architectural Overview for a Dedicated Circuit
Site-to-Site Architectural Overview over a Routed Domain
Site-to-Site IPsec VPN Deployments and GRE (IPsec+GRE)
Site-to-Site IPsec+GRE Architectural Overview
Site-to-Site IPsec+GRE Sample Configurations
Hub-and-Spoke IPsec VPN Deployments
Hub-and-Spoke Architectural Overview
Standard Hub-and-Spoke Design without High Availability
Clustered Spoke Design to Redundant Hubs
Redundant Clustered Spoke Design to Redundant Hubs
Remote Access VPN Deployments
RAVPN Architectural Overview
RAVPN Clients
Standalone VPN Concentrator Designs
Clustered VPN Concentrator Designs
Chapter 4 Common IPsec VPN Issues
IPsec Diagnostic Tools within Cisco IOS
Common Configuration Issues with IPsec VPNs
IKE SA Proposal Mismatches
IKE Authentication Failures and Errors
IPsec SA Proposal Mismatches
Crypto-Protected Address Space Issues (Crypto ACL Errors)
Architectural and Design Issues with IPsec VPNs
Troubleshooting IPsec VPNs in Firewalled Environments
NAT Issues in IPsec VPN Designs
The Influence of IPsec on Traffic Flows Requiring QoS
Solving Fragmentation Issues in IPsec VPNs
The Effect of Recursive Routing on IPsec VPNs
Part II Designing VPN Architectures
Chapter 5 Designing for High Availability
Network and Path Redundancy
IPSec Tunnel Termination Redundancy
Multiple Physical Interface HA with Highly Available Tunnel Termination Interfaces
Tunnel Termination HA Using HSRP/VRRP Virtual Interfaces
HA with Multiple Peer Statements
RP-based IPSec HA
Managing Peer and Path Availability
Peer Availability
Path Availability
Managing Path Symmetry
Load Balancing, Load Sharing, and High Availability
Load-Sharing with Peer Statements
Domain Name System (DNS)
Cisco VPN3000 Concentrator Clustering
IPSec Session Load-Balancing Using External Load Balancers
Chapter 6 Solutions for Local Site-to-Site High Availability
Using Multiple Crypto Interfaces for High Availability
Impact of Routing Protocol Reconvergence on IPsec Reconvergence
Impact of Stale SAs on IPsec Reconvergence
Impact of IPsec and ISAKMP SA Renegotiation on IPsec Reconvergence
Stateless IPsec VPN High-Availability Alternatives
Solution Overview for Stateless IPsec High Availability
Stateless High Availability Failover Process
Stateful IPsec VPN High-Availability Alternatives
Solution Overview for Stateful IPsec High Availability
Stateful High Availability Failover Process
Stateless IPsec VPN High Availability Design Summary
Stateful IPsec VPN High Availability Design Summary
Chapter 7 Solutions for Geographic Site-to-Site High Availability
Geographic IPsec VPN HA with Reverse Route Injection and Multiple IPsec Peers
Solution Overview for RRI with Multiple IPsec Peers
Geographic IPsec VPN High Availability with IPsec+GRE and Encrypted Routing
Solution Overview for IPsec+GRE with Encrypted Routing Protocols
Dynamic Multipoint Virtual Private Networks
DMVPN Solution Design Drivers
DMVPN Component-Level Overview and System Operation
Chapter 8 Handling Vendor Interoperability with High Availability
Vendor Interoperability Impact on Peer Availability
The Inability to Specify Multiple Peers
Lack of Peer Availability Mechanisms
Vendor Interoperability Impact on Path Availability
IPSec HA Design Considerations for Platforms with Limited Routing
Protocol Support
IPSec HA Design Considerations for Lack of RRI Support
IPSec HA Design Considerations for Lack of Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
Vendor Interoperability Design Considerations and Options
Phase 1 and 2 SA Lifetime Expiry
SADB Management with Quick Mode Delete Notify Messages
Invalid Security Parameter Index Recovery
Vendor Interoperability with Stateful IPSec HA
Chapter 9 Solutions for Remote-Access VPN High Availability
IPsec RAVPN Concentrator High Availability Using Virtual Interfaces for Tunnel
IPsec RAVPN Concentrator High Availability Using VRRP
IPsec RAVPN Concentrator HA Using HSRP
IPsec RAVPN Concentrator HA Using the VCA Protocol
IPsec RAVPN Geographic HA Design Options
VPN Concentrator Session Load Balancing Using DNS
VPN Concentrator Redundancy Using Multiple Peers
Chapter 10 Further Architectural Options for IPsec
IPsec VPN Termination On-a-Stick
IPsec with Router-on-a-Stick Design Overview
Case Study: Small Branch IPsec VPN Tunnel Termination with NAT On-a-Stick
In-Path Versus Out-of-Path Encryption with IPsec
Out-of-Path Encryption Design Overview
Case Study: Firewalled Site-to-Site IPsec VPN Tunnel Termination
Separate Termination of IPsec and GRE (GRE-Offload)
GRE-Offload Design Overview
Case Study: Large-Scale IPsec VPN Tunnel Termination with GRE Offload
Part III Advanced Topics
Chapter 11 Public Key Infrastructure and IPsec VPNs
PKI Background
PKI Components
Public Key Certificates
Registration Authorities
Certificate Revocation Lists and CRL Issuers
Certificate Authorities
PKI Cryptographic Endpoints
Life of a Public Key Certificate
RSA Signatures and X.509v3 Certificates
Generating Asymmetric Keypairs on Cryptographic Endpoints
Registration and Endpoint Authentication
Receipt and Authentication of the CA’s Certificate
Forwarding and Signing of Public Keys
Obtaining and Using Public Key Certificates
PKI and the IPSec Protocol Suite–Where PKI Fits into the IPSec model
OCSP and CRL Scalability
Case Studies and Sample Configurations
Case Study 1: PKI Integration of Cryptographic Endpoints
Case Study 2: PKI with CA and RA
Case Study 3: PKI with Redundant CAs (CA Hierarchy)
Chapter 12 Solutions for Handling Dynamically Addressed Peers
Dynamic Crypto Maps
Dynamic Crypto Map Impact on VPN Behavior
Dynamic Crypto Map Configuration and Verification
Tunnel Endpoint Discovery
TED Configuration and Verification
Case Study–Using Dynamic Addressing with Low-Maintenance Small Home Office
Appendix A Resources
Web and Other Resources
介紹設計和配置 Cisco IPsec VPN 的基本知識。
- 了解 IPsec 協議的基本概念並學習實施最佳實踐
- 研究最新的 IPsec 設計,融入當前 Cisco 在安全和 VPN 市場的創新
- 學習如何避免與 IPsec 部署相關的常見陷阱
- 通過案例研究和配置範例加強理論,展示 IPsec 如何映射到現實世界的解決方案
《IPsec 虛擬私人網路基礎》提供了在各種 Cisco 路由和交換平台上對 IPsec 的基本工作知識。它提供了理解 Cisco IPsec 實施不同組件所需的基礎,並說明如何在各種網路拓撲和市場(服務提供商、企業、金融、政府)中成功實施。這本書將 IPsec 視為大多數主要垂直市場中出現的需求,解釋了對於安全傳輸機密數據所需的增強信息認證、保密性和不可否認性的必要性。該書採用分層的方法撰寫,首先解釋為何開發 IPsec 及依賴 IPsec 來保護數據傳輸的組織類型。然後概述了為滿足安全數據傳輸需求而開發的基本 IPsec/ISAKMP 基礎知識。該書涵蓋了使用一系列 Cisco 產品設計和實施 IPsec VPN 架構,從基本概念開始,逐步深入到更高級的主題,包括高可用性解決方案和公鑰基礎設施(PKI)。每章提供示例拓撲圖和配置範例,以加強文本中表達的基本概念,並幫助讀者將概念轉化為實際部署場景。此外,整本書中還融入了全面的案例研究,以將主題映射到現實世界的解決方案。
**第一部分 介紹概念與配置/故障排除**
第 1 章 介紹 VPN 技術
VPN 常見術語概述
有效 VPN 的特徵
VPN 技術
多協議標籤交換 VPN
傳輸層 VPN
常見 VPN 部署
站點對站點 VPN
遠端訪問 VPN
VPN 的商業驅動因素
遠端訪問 VPN 商業驅動因素 - 實用範例
站點對站點 VPN 商業驅動因素 - 實用範例
IPsec VPN 與 Cisco 安全框架
第 2 章 IPsec 基礎
RSA 公鑰技術
Diffie-Hellman 密鑰交換
IP 安全協議 (IPsec)
IPsec 模式
IPsec 轉換
IPsec SA
IPsec 配置元素
IKE 和 ISAKMP 的術語及背景
IKE SA 協商和維護
使用 IKE 生成 IPsec Diffie-Hellman 共享密鑰
IKE 認證服務
IKE 第一階段協商
IKE 第二階段協商
帶有 RAVPN 擴展的 IKE
第 3 章 基本 IPsec VPN 拓撲和配置
站點對站點 IPsec VPN 部署
專用電路的站點對站點 VPN 架構概述
站點對站點 IPsec VPN 部署和 GRE (IPsec+GRE)
站點對站點 IPsec+GRE 架構概述
站點對站點 IPsec+GRE 示例配置
中心-分支 IPsec VPN 部署
遠端訪問 VPN 部署
RAVPN 架構概述
獨立 VPN 集中器設計
集群 VPN 集中器設計
第 4 章 常見 IPsec VPN 問題
Cisco IOS 中的 IPsec 診斷工具
IPsec VPN 的常見配置問題
IKE SA 提案不匹配
IKE 認證失敗和錯誤
IPsec SA 提案不匹配
加密保護地址空間問題(加密 ACL 錯誤)
IPsec VPN 的架構和設計問題
在防火牆環境中故障排除 IPsec VPN
IPsec VPN 設計中的 NAT 問題
IPsec 對需要 QoS 的流量流的影響
解決 IPsec VPN 中的分段問題
遞歸路由對 IPsec VPN 的影響
**第二部分 設計 VPN 架構**
第 5 章 設計高可用性
IPSec 隧道終止冗餘
多物理介面 HA 與高可用的隧道終止介面
使用 HSRP/VRRP 虛擬介面的隧道終止 HA
具有多個對等聲明的 HA
基於 RP 的 IPSec HA
域名系統 (DNS)
Cisco VPN3000 集中器集群
使用外部負載平衡器的 IPSec 會話負載平衡
第 6 章 本地站點對站點高可用性的解決方案
路由協議重新收斂對 IPsec 重新收斂的影響
過期 SA 對 IPsec 重新收斂的影響
IPsec 和 ISAKMP SA 重新協商對 IPsec 重新收斂的影響
無狀態 IPsec VPN 高可用性替代方案
無狀態 IPsec 高可用性解決方案概述
有狀態 IPsec VPN 高可用性替代方案
有狀態 IPsec 高可用性解決方案概述
無狀態 IPsec VPN 高可用性設計總結
有狀態 IPsec VPN 高可用性設計總結
第 7 章 地理站點對站點高可用性的解決方案
地理 IPsec VPN HA 與反向路由注入和多個 IPsec 對等
帶有多個 IPsec 對等的 RRI 解決方案概述
帶有 IPsec+GRE 和加密路由的地理 IPsec VPN 高可用性
帶有加密路由的 IPsec+GRE 解決方案概述