C4D 9.5: Real-World 3D Animation Production
暫譯: C4D 9.5:真實世界的 3D 動畫製作
Larry Mitchell
- 出版商: Charles River Media
- 出版日期: 2006-01-05
- 定價: $1,650
- 售價: 2.4 折 $399
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 416
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 1584504374
- ISBN-13: 9781584504375
3D 列印
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Cinema 4D 9.5: Real-World 3D Animation Production teaches how to produce commercial-quality 3D animation using Maxon’s, powerful and affordable, Cinema 4D. Written for 3D animation professionals, hobbyists, and students, this practical, hands-on book uses real-world projects to teach the entire production process. Beginning with a review of how to model photorealistic objects, the book progresses through creating custom materials, cloth simulation, and character animation, to video game and simulation techniques.
The book takes a software-integrated approach to 3D animation production with a focus on Cinema 4D and how to use it in concert with several other applications. This Cinema 4D-centric approach shows how real-world 3D animation production challenges can be met, not only with a great tool, but with a great tool box.
Throughout the book, you’ll learn a highly efficient workflow for creating 3D character animation with C4D. You’ll learn various ways of producing motion graphics by integrating Adobe® Photoshop, and After Effects®, with C4D. You’ll explore projects that use BodyPaint to extend your ability to create fantasy and control the realism of how image maps relate to their objects. And you’ll use Right Hemisphere Deep Creator 2 and Code Gardener’s XPort 1.3 to explore methods for animating video games and simulations. Some experience with 3D animation is assumed, but all levels of users will be challenged to expand their skills.
《Cinema 4D 9.5:真實世界的 3D 動畫製作》教導如何使用 Maxon 的 Cinema 4D 來製作商業品質的 3D 動畫,這是一款強大且價格合理的軟體。本書針對 3D 動畫專業人士、愛好者和學生而寫,這本實用的手冊透過真實世界的專案來教導整個製作過程。書中首先回顧如何建模寫實物件,然後進一步介紹創建自訂材質、布料模擬和角色動畫,最後涵蓋視頻遊戲和模擬技術。
本書採用軟體整合的方法來進行 3D 動畫製作,重點在於 Cinema 4D 及其如何與其他多個應用程式協同使用。這種以 Cinema 4D 為中心的方法展示了如何應對真實世界的 3D 動畫製作挑戰,不僅需要一個優秀的工具,還需要一個優秀的工具箱。
在整本書中,您將學習到使用 C4D 創建 3D 角色動畫的高效工作流程。您將學習如何通過將 Adobe® Photoshop 和 After Effects® 與 C4D 整合來製作動態圖形。您將探索使用 BodyPaint 的專案,以擴展您創建幻想的能力並控制影像貼圖與其物件之間的真實感。您還將使用 Right Hemisphere Deep Creator 2 和 Code Gardener 的 XPort 1.3 探索動畫視頻遊戲和模擬的方法。假設您對 3D 動畫有一些經驗,但所有級別的使用者都將面臨挑戰,以擴展他們的技能。