Written primarily for database administrators who work on z/OS and who are taking the IBM DB2 11 for z/OS Database Administration certification exam (Exam 312), this resource also appeals to those who simply want to master the skills needed to be an effective database administrator of z/OS mainframes. This study guide is designed to provide those seeking certification with an intense overview of DB2 11 for z/OS and all topics covered on the exam. Sample questions are provided at the end of each chapter, along with answers and explanations.
本書主要為在 z/OS 上工作的資料庫管理員所撰寫,並且針對參加 IBM DB2 11 for z/OS 資料庫管理認證考試(考試 312)的人士而設計,這本資源同樣適合那些希望掌握成為 z/OS 大型主機有效資料庫管理員所需技能的人士。本學習指南旨在為尋求認證的人提供 DB2 11 for z/OS 的深入概述,以及考試中涵蓋的所有主題。每章的結尾提供了範例問題,並附有答案和解釋。
Susan Lawson is an internationally recognized consultant, author, and lecturer with a background in system and database administration. She is an IBM GOLD Consultant for DB2 and z, an IBM Champion, and a Subject Matter Expert for several IBM DB2 for z/OS Certification exams."
蘇珊·勞森(Susan Lawson)是一位國際知名的顧問、作者和講師,擁有系統和資料庫管理的背景。她是 IBM DB2 和 z 的 GOLD 顧問、IBM Champion,以及多個 IBM DB2 for z/OS 認證考試的主題專家。