Understanding the Public-Key Infrastructure
暫譯: 理解公鑰基礎設施

Steve Lloyd, Carlisle Adams




This book is a tutorial on, and a guide to the deployment of, Public-Key Infrastructures. It covers a broad range of material related to PKIs, including certification, operational considerations and standardization efforts, as well as deployment issues and considerations. Emphasis is placed on explaining the interrelated fields within the topic area, to assist those who will be responsible for making deployment decisions and architecting a PKI within an organization.


本書是關於公鑰基礎設施(Public-Key Infrastructures, PKIs)的教程和部署指南。它涵蓋了與 PKI 相關的廣泛主題,包括認證、操作考量和標準化努力,以及部署問題和考量。重點在於解釋該主題領域內的相互關聯領域,以協助那些負責做出部署決策和在組織內架構 PKI 的人員。