Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11 (Hardcover)
暫譯: Direct3D 11 實用渲染與計算 (精裝版)

Jason Zink, Matt Pettineo, Jack Hoxley





Direct3D 11 offers such a wealth of capabilities that users can sometimes get lost in the details of specific APIs and their implementation. While there is a great deal of low-level information available about how each API function should be used, there is little documentation that shows how best to leverage these capabilities. Written by active members of the Direct3D community, Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11 provides a deep understanding of both the high and low level concepts related to using Direct3D 11.


The first part of the book presents a conceptual introduction to Direct3D 11, including an overview of the Direct3D 11 rendering and computation pipelines and how they map to the underlying hardware. It also provides a detailed look at all of the major components of the library, covering resources, pipeline details, and multithreaded rendering. Building upon this material, the second part of the text includes detailed examples of how to use Direct3D 11 in common rendering scenarios. The authors describe sample algorithms in-depth and discuss how the features of Direct3D 11 can be used to your advantage.

All of the source code from the book is accessible on an actively maintained open source rendering framework. The sample applications and the framework itself can be downloaded from


By analyzing when to use various tools and the tradeoffs between different implementations, this book helps you understand the best way to accomplish a given task and thereby fully leverage the potential capabilities of Direct3D 11.


Direct3D 11 提供了豐富的功能,以至於使用者有時會在特定 API 及其實作的細節中迷失。雖然有大量的低階資訊可用於說明每個 API 函數的使用方式,但卻很少有文件顯示如何最佳化利用這些功能。由 Direct3D 社群的活躍成員撰寫的《Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11》提供了對於使用 Direct3D 11 相關的高階與低階概念的深入理解。

本書的第一部分介紹了 Direct3D 11 的概念性介紹,包括 Direct3D 11 渲染和計算管線的概述,以及它們如何映射到底層硬體。它還詳細介紹了庫中的所有主要組件,涵蓋資源、管線細節和多執行緒渲染。在此基礎上,文本的第二部分包含了如何在常見渲染場景中使用 Direct3D 11 的詳細範例。作者深入描述了範例演算法,並討論了如何利用 Direct3D 11 的特性來獲得優勢。

本書的所有源代碼都可以在一個積極維護的開源渲染框架中獲得。範例應用程式和框架本身可以從 下載。

通過分析何時使用各種工具以及不同實作之間的權衡,本書幫助您理解完成特定任務的最佳方式,從而充分發揮 Direct3D 11 的潛在能力。