Learning WML& WMLScript (Paperback)

Martin Frost




The next generation of mobile communicators is here, and delivering content to them will mean programming in WML (Wireless Markup Language) and WMLScript, the languages of the Wireless Application Environment (WAE). The WAE allows information in almost all applications to be formatted for display on mobile devices, such as cell phones, and enables the user to interact with the information.

Why learn yet another technology? According to some estimates, 75 percent of web document viewing by the year 2002 will be through non-desktop devices, many using wireless technologies. Clearly, the future is wireless. For web developers who want to get up to speed quickly in these languages, Learning WML & WMLScript maps out in detail the WAE and its two major components, WML and WMLScript.

Fortunately, the WAE provides a World Wide Web-like model for writing applications, incorporating several key features of the Web to ease the transition for developers. Almost all wireless applications can be written with WML, which replaces HTML in the wireless environment, and WMLScript, which replaces JavaScript. With this book, web developers with some knowledge of programming and C, Java, or JavaScript syntax can easily master both languages.

Chapter by chapter, Learning WML & WMLScript takes readers through the following WML topics:
  • Decks, templates and cards

  • User Interaction

  • Variables and contexts

  • Tasks, events, and timers

  • Text and text formatting

WMLScript topics include:
  • Data types, conversions and variables

  • Operators and expressions

  • Statements

  • Functions

  • Standard libraries

Learning WML & WMLScript is the resource of choice for application developers who want to upgrade their skills and their sites so they won't be left plugged in during the wireless revolution.




幸運的是,WAE提供了一個類似於World Wide Web的模型來編寫應用程式,並融入了Web的幾個關鍵功能,以便開發人員更容易過渡。幾乎所有的無線應用程式都可以使用WML來編寫,它取代了無線環境中的HTML,而WMLScript則取代了JavaScript。通過這本書,具有一定程式設計和C、Java或JavaScript語法知識的網頁開發人員可以輕鬆掌握這兩種語言。

- 牌組、模板和卡片
- 使用者互動
- 變數和上下文
- 任務、事件和計時器
- 文本和文本格式化

- 資料類型、轉換和變數
- 運算子和表達式
- 陳述式
- 函數
- 標準庫
