Transact-SQL Cookbook
暫譯: Transact-SQL 食譜

Ales Spetic, Jonathan Gennick

  • 出版商: O'Reilly
  • 出版日期: 2002-04-23
  • 定價: $1,380
  • 售價: 5.0$690
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 304
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1565927567
  • ISBN-13: 9781565927568
  • 相關分類: SQLMSSQL
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)



This unique cookbook contains a wealth of solutions to problems that SQL programmers face all the time. The recipes inside range from how to perform simple tasks, like importing external data, to ways of handling issues that are more complicated, like set algebra. Authors Ales Spetic and Jonathan Gennick, two authorities with extensive database and SQL programming experience, include a discussion with each recipe to explain the logic and concepts underlying the solution.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the closest thing to a standard query language that currently exists, and Transact-SQL -- a full-featured programming language that dramatically extends the power of SQL -- is the procedural language of choice for both Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase SQL Server systems. The Transact-SQL Cookbook is designed so you can use the recipes directly, as a source of ideas, or as a way to learn a little more about SQL and what you can do with it. Topics covered include:

  • Audit logging. In addition to recipes for implementing an audit log, this chapter also includes recipes for: improving performance where large log tables are involved; supporting multiple-languages; and simulating server push.
  • Hierarchies. Recipes show you how to manipulate hierarchical data using Transact-SQL.
  • Importing data. This chapter introduces concepts like normalization and recipes useful for working with imported data tables.
  • Sets. Recipes demonstrate different operations, such as how to find common elements, summarize the data in a set, and find the element in a set that represents an extreme.
  • Statistics. This chapter?s recipes show you how to effectively use SQL for common statistical operations from means and standard deviations to weighted moving averages.
  • Temporal data. Recipes demonstrate how to construct queries against time-based data.
  • Data Structures. This chapter shows how to manipulate data structures like stacks, queues, matrices, and arrays.

With an abundance of recipes to help you get your job done more efficiently, the Transact-SQL Cookbook is sure to become an essential part of your library.

Table of Contents


1. Pivot Tables

2. Sets

3. Data Structures

4. Hierarchies in SQL

5. Temporal Data

6. Audit Logging

7. Importing and Transforming Data

8. Statistics in SQL

Appendix: The T-Distribution Table



這本獨特的食譜書包含了大量解決 SQL 程式設計師經常面臨的問題的方案。書中的食譜涵蓋了從如何執行簡單任務(如導入外部數據)到處理更複雜問題(如集合代數)的方法。作者 Ales Spetic 和 Jonathan Gennick 是兩位在資料庫和 SQL 程式設計方面擁有豐富經驗的權威人士,他們在每個食譜中都包含了討論,以解釋解決方案背後的邏輯和概念。

SQL(結構化查詢語言)是目前最接近標準查詢語言的東西,而 Transact-SQL 是一種功能齊全的程式語言,顯著擴展了 SQL 的能力,是 Microsoft SQL Server 和 Sybase SQL Server 系統的首選程序語言。《Transact-SQL 食譜書》旨在讓您可以直接使用這些食譜,作為靈感的來源,或是學習更多有關 SQL 及其應用的方式。涵蓋的主題包括:

- 審計日誌。除了實現審計日誌的食譜外,本章還包括:改善涉及大型日誌表的性能;支持多語言;以及模擬伺服器推送。
- 階層。食譜展示了如何使用 Transact-SQL 操作階層數據。
- 導入數據。本章介紹了正規化等概念,以及對於處理導入數據表有用的食譜。
- 集合。食譜演示了不同的操作,例如如何找到共同元素、總結集合中的數據,以及找到代表極端的集合元素。
- 統計。本章的食譜展示了如何有效地使用 SQL 進行常見的統計操作,從均值和標準差到加權移動平均。
- 時間數據。食譜演示了如何針對基於時間的數據構建查詢。
- 數據結構。本章展示了如何操作堆疊、佇列、矩陣和陣列等數據結構。

擁有大量食譜幫助您更有效地完成工作,《Transact-SQL 食譜書》必將成為您圖書館中的重要部分。



1. 樞紐分析表
2. 集合
3. 數據結構
4. SQL 中的階層
5. 時間數據
6. 審計日誌
7. 導入和轉換數據
8. SQL 中的統計
附錄:T 分佈表