Perl for System Administration (Paperback)
暫譯: 系統管理的 Perl

David N. Blank-Edelman




Some people plan to become administrators. The rest of us are thrust into it: we are webmasters, hobbyists, or just the default "technical people" on staff who are expected to keep things running. After some stumbling around repeating the same steps over and over again (and occasionally paying the price when we forget one), we realize that we must automate these tasks, or suffer endless frustration. Thus enters Perl.

The Perl programming language is ideal for writing quick yet powerful scripts that automate many administrative tasks. It's modular, it's powerful, and it's perfect for managing systems and services on many platforms.

Perl for System Administration is designed for all levels of administrators--from hobbyists to card-carrying SAGE members--sysadmins on multi-platform sites. Written for several different platforms (Unix, Windows NT, and Mac OS), it's a guide to the pockets of administration where Perl can be most useful for sites large and small, including:

  • Filesystem management
  • User administration with a dash of XML
  • DNS and other network name services
  • Database administration using DBI and ODBC
  • Directory services and frameworks like LDAP and ADSI
  • Using email for system administration
  • Working with log files of all kinds


Each chapter concentrates on a single administrative area, discusses the possible pitfalls, and then shows how Perl comes to the rescue. Along the way we encounter interesting Perl features and tricks, with many extended examples and complete programs. The scripts included in the book can simply be used as written or with minimal adaptation. But it's likely that readers will also get a taste of what Perl can do, and start extending those scripts for tasks that we haven't dreamed of.

Perl for System Adminstration doesn't attempt to teach the Perl language, but it is an excellent introduction to the power and flexibility of Perl, and it whets the appetite to learn more. It's for anyone who needs to use Perl for system administration and needs to hit the ground running.




一些人計劃成為管理員。其餘的人則被迫進入這個角色:我們是網站管理員、業餘愛好者,或只是被預期能夠維持運作的「技術人員」。在不斷重複相同步驟的過程中(偶爾因為忘記某個步驟而付出代價),我們意識到必須自動化這些任務,否則將面臨無盡的挫折。於是,Perl 進入了我們的視野。

Perl 程式語言非常適合編寫快速而強大的腳本,以自動化許多管理任務。它模組化、功能強大,並且非常適合在多個平台上管理系統和服務。

《Perl for System Administration》旨在為所有層級的管理員設計——從業餘愛好者到持有 SAGE 會員卡的專業人士——以及在多平台網站上的系統管理員。這本書針對多個不同平台(Unix、Windows NT 和 Mac OS)撰寫,是一本關於 Perl 在大型和小型網站上最有用的管理領域的指南,包括:

- 檔案系統管理
- 帶有 XML 的使用者管理
- DNS 和其他網路名稱服務
- 使用 DBI 和 ODBC 的資料庫管理
- 目錄服務和像 LDAP 和 ADSI 的框架
- 使用電子郵件進行系統管理
- 處理各種日誌檔案

每一章專注於一個單一的管理領域,討論可能的陷阱,然後展示 Perl 如何提供幫助。在這個過程中,我們會遇到有趣的 Perl 特性和技巧,並提供許多擴展範例和完整的程式。書中包含的腳本可以直接使用或進行最小的調整。但讀者很可能也會體驗到 Perl 的強大功能,並開始擴展這些腳本以執行我們未曾想過的任務。

《Perl for System Administration》並不試圖教授 Perl 語言,但它是了解 Perl 的力量和靈活性的絕佳入門書,並激發學習更多的興趣。這本書適合任何需要使用 Perl 進行系統管理並希望迅速上手的人。