LDAP System Administration (Paperback)

Gerald Carter

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2003-04-29
  • 定價: $1,480
  • 售價: 9.5$1,406
  • 貴賓價: 9.0$1,332
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 312
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1565924916
  • ISBN-13: 9781565924918
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)




Be more productive and make your life easier. That's what LDAP System Administration is all about.

System administrators often spend a great deal of time managing configuration information located on many different machines: usernames, passwords, printer configurations, email client configurations, and network filesystem configurations, to name a few. LDAPv3 provides tools for centralizing all of the configuration information and placing it under your control. Rather than maintaining several administrative databases (NIS, Active Directory, Samba, and NFS configuration files), you can make changes in only one place and have all your systems immediately "see" the updated information.

Practically platform independent, this book uses the widely available, open source OpenLDAP 2 directory server as a premise for examples, showing you how to use it to help you manage your configuration information effectively and securely. OpenLDAP 2 ships with most Linux® distributions and Mac OS® X, and can be easily downloaded for most Unix-based systems. After introducing the workings of a directory service and the LDAP protocol, all aspects of building and installing OpenLDAP, plus key ancillary packages like SASL and OpenSSL, this book discusses:

  • Configuration and access control
  • Distributed directories; replication and referral
  • Using OpenLDAP to replace NIS
  • Using OpenLDAP to manage email configurations
  • Using LDAP for abstraction with FTP and HTTP servers, Samba, and Radius
  • Interoperating with different LDAP servers, including Active Directory
  • Programming using Net::LDAP

If you want to be a master of your domain, LDAP System Administration will help you get up and running quickly regardless of which LDAP version you use. After reading this book, even with no previous LDAP experience, you'll be able to integrate a directory server into essential network services such as mail, DNS, HTTP, and SMB/CIFS.

Table of Contents


Part I. LDAP Basics

1. "Now where did I put that...?", or "What is a directory?"

2. LDAPv3 Overview

3. OpenLDAP

4. OpenLDAP: Building a Company White Pages

5. Replication, Referrals, Searching, and SASL Explained

Part II. Application Integration

6. Replacing NIS

7. Email and LDAP

8. Standard Unix Services and LDAP

9. LDAP Interoperability

10. Net::LDAP and Perl

Part III. Appendixes

A. PAM and NSS

B. OpenLDAP Command-Line Tools

C. Common Attributes and Objects

D. LDAP RFCs, Internet-Drafts, and Mailing Lists

E. slapd.conf ACLs



提高生產力,讓生活更輕鬆。這就是《LDAP系統管理》的目標。系統管理員通常花費大量時間在管理分佈在許多不同機器上的配置信息:用戶名、密碼、打印機配置、電子郵件客戶端配置和網絡文件系統配置等等。LDAPv3提供了將所有配置信息集中管理並置於您控制之下的工具。您只需在一個地方進行更改,所有系統都能立即“看到”更新的信息,而不需要維護多個管理數據庫(如NIS、Active Directory、Samba和NFS配置文件)。本書幾乎與平台無關,以廣泛可用的開源OpenLDAP 2目錄服務器作為示例,向您展示如何使用它有效且安全地管理配置信息。OpenLDAP 2隨附於大多數Linux®發行版和Mac OS® X,並且可以輕鬆下載到大多數基於Unix的系統上。在介紹目錄服務和LDAP協議的運作方式之後,本書討論了構建和安裝OpenLDAP的所有方面,以及關鍵的附屬包,如SASL和OpenSSL,包括:配置和訪問控制、分佈式目錄、複製和轉發、使用OpenLDAP替換NIS、使用OpenLDAP管理電子郵件配置、使用LDAP在FTP和HTTP服務器、Samba和Radius中進行抽象、與不同的LDAP服務器進行互操作,包括Active Directory、使用Net::LDAP進行編程。如果您想成為自己領域的大師,《LDAP系統管理》將幫助您快速上手,無論您使用哪個LDAP版本。閱讀本書後,即使沒有之前的LDAP經驗,您也能將目錄服務器集成到郵件、DNS、HTTP和SMB/CIFS等重要的網絡服務中。

1. “現在我把它放在哪裡了?”或“什麼是目錄?”
2. LDAPv3概述
3. OpenLDAP
4. OpenLDAP:構建公司白頁
5. 複製、轉發、搜索和SASL解釋

6. 替換NIS
7. 電子郵件和LDAP
8. 標準Unix服務和LDAP
9. LDAP互操作性
10. Net::LDAP和Perl

B. OpenLDAP命令行工具
C. 常見屬性和對象
D. LDAP RFC、Internet-Draft和郵件列表
E. slapd.conf的ACL
