Developing User Interfaces
暫譯: 開發使用者介面

Dan R. Olsen

  • 出版商: Morgan Kaufmann
  • 出版日期: 1998-01-01
  • 售價: $1,176
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 414
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1558604189
  • ISBN-13: 9781558604186
  • 相關分類: 使用者介面 UI
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)




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In the early days of computing, technicians in white coats controlled refrigerator-sized computers housed in sealed rooms, far from ordinary users. Today, computers are inexpensive commodities, like television sets, and ordinary people control and interact with them. This new paradigm has led to a burgeoning demand for graphics-intensive and highly interactive interfaces.

Developing User Interfaces is targeted at the programmer who will actually implement, rather than design, the user interface. Most user interface books focus on psychology and usability, not programming techniques. This book recognizes the need for programmers to collaborate with usability experts and psychologists, so topics such as the principles of visualization, human perception, and usability evaluation are touched upon. Yet the primary focus remains on those tools and techniques required for programming the complex user interface.

  • Focuses on advanced programming topics
    • event handling
    • interaction with geometric objects
    • widget tool kits
    • input syntax
  • Useful to programmers using any languageno particular windowing system or tool kit is presumed, examples are drawn from a variety of commercial systems, and code examples are presented in pseudo code
  • The basic concepts of traditional computer graphics such as drawing and three-dimensional modeling are covered for readers without a computer graphics background.

Dan R. Olsen, Jr. is the director of the HCI Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and a professor of computer science at Brigham Young University. Dr. Olsen earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Brigham Young University and his Ph.D. in computer and information science at the University Pennsylvania in 1981. He is also the author of User Interface Management Systems. Dr. Olsen has considerable expertise in user interface mangement systems (UIMS), computer graphics, and the construction of compiled and interpreted languages.

Table of Contents:

Related Titles:

Human-Computer Interaction
Software Engineering & Programming




- 專注於高級編程主題
- 事件處理
- 與幾何物件的互動
- 小部件工具包
- 輸入語法

- 對於使用任何語言的程序員都很有用,並不假設特定的視窗系統或工具包,範例來自各種商業系統,代碼示例以偽代碼呈現。

- 涵蓋傳統計算機圖形的基本概念,如繪圖和三維建模,適合沒有計算機圖形背景的讀者。

Dan R. Olsen, Jr. 是卡內基梅隆大學人機互動研究所的主任,也是楊百翰大學的計算機科學教授。Olsen博士在楊百翰大學獲得計算機科學的學士和碩士學位,並於1981年在賓夕法尼亞大學獲得計算機與信息科學的博士學位。他也是《用戶界面管理系統》的作者。Olsen博士在用戶界面管理系統(UIMS)、計算機圖形學以及編譯和解釋語言的構建方面擁有相當的專業知識。

- **前言**
- **第1章 介紹**
- **第2章 設計功能模型**
- **第3章 基本計算機圖形**
- **第4章 事件處理基礎**
- **第5章 基本互動**
- **第6章 小部件工具包**
- **第7章 從小部件生成的界面**
- **第8章 輸入語法**
- **第9章 形狀的幾何**
- **第10章 幾何變換**
- **第11章 與幾何互動**
- **第12章 繪圖架構**
- **第13章 剪切、複製和粘貼**
- **第14章 監控界面:撤銷、群件和宏**

- [人機互動](areas/human_computer.asp)
- [軟體工程與編程](areas/software_engineering.asp)