Programming Language: 3 Books in 1: Beginner's Guide + Best Practices + Advanced Guide to Programming Code with Python (Python, JavaScript, Java, ... Programming, Computer Programming) (Volume 1)

Charlie Masterson



Programming Language: Python Best Seller: 3 Books In 1!

Save time and money and start learning Python Programming now with this massive, best-selling Python Computer Programming bundle covering Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels. This 3 book volume contains:

Python: Beginner's Guide to Programming Code with Python Python: Best Practices to Programming Code with Python Python: Advanced Guide to Programming Code with Python

LIMITED TIME OFFER! Get to own this Amazon top seller for just $32.99!

BOOK 1 : Python: Beginner's Guide to Programming Code with Python

In this Definitive Python Beginner's Guide, you’re about to discover...

  • Essentials of Python programming. Quickly pick up the language and start applying the concepts to any code that you write
  • Major facets of Python programming - including concepts you can apply to *any* language
  • Various mechanics of Python programming: control flow, variables, lists/dictionaries, and classes – and why learning these core principles are important to Python programming success
  • Object-oriented programming, its influence to today’s popular computer languages, and why it matters
  • ... And much, much more!

BOOK 2 : Python: Best Practices to Programming Code with Python

Are you tired of your Python code turning out wrong? Are you forever finding it difficult to read your code, to spot where the problems are because it is, quite frankly, a mess? Are you fed up with reading so-called Best Practice guides that leave you more confused than you were when you started?

This book “Python: Best Practices to Programming Code with Python”, will give you a straightforward guide on how to write better Python code. With this book, you will learn :

  • General Concepts of Python Coding
  • Python Coding Recommendations
  • The best way to layout Python Code
  • How to write comments
  • Writing Conventions to follow
  • How to write Function and Method Arguments
  • ... And much, much more!

BOOK 3 : Python: Advanced Guide to Programming Code with Python

Have you learned the basics of Python and want to go further? Not sure what to do, where to go or what topics you should be studying?

In this Definitive Python Advanced Level Guide, you’re about to discover...

  • Comprehensions – learn how to use constructs to build a sequence from another sequence
  • Iterators and Generators – Learn how to use generator functions and iterator objects to make your code more efficient
  • Decorators – Learn how to simplify the syntax for calling higher-order functions
  • Context Managers – Learn how to write more effective Python code by managing your resources properly
  • Descriptors – Learn how to add managed attributes to objects
  • ... And much, much more!

Take action today and own this book for a limited time discount! Scroll to the top of the page and select the "Buy now" button.


程式語言: Python 系列暢銷書籍: 三本合一!

立即節省時間和金錢,開始學習 Python 程式設計,這套暢銷的 Python 電腦程式設計合輯涵蓋初學者、中級和高級程度。這套三本書的內容包括:

Python: 初學者指南 - 使用 Python 程式碼進行編程 Python: 使用 Python 程式碼的最佳實踐 Python: 高級指南 - 使用 Python 程式碼進行編程

限時優惠!只需 $32.99 即可擁有這本亞馬遜暢銷書!

書籍 1: Python: 初學者指南 - 使用 Python 程式碼進行編程

在這本 Python 初學者指南中,您將會發現...

  • Python 編程的基礎知識。快速掌握這門語言,並將概念應用於您所編寫的任何程式碼
  • Python 編程的主要要素 - 包括您可以應用於*任何*語言的概念
  • Python 編程的各種機制:控制流、變數、列表/字典和類 - 以及為什麼學習這些核心原則對於 Python 編程的成功至關重要
  • 面向對象編程,它對當今流行的電腦語言的影響以及其重要性
  • ... 還有更多!

書籍 2: Python: 使用 Python 程式碼的最佳實踐

您是否厭倦了您的 Python 程式碼總是出錯?您是否總是發現很難閱讀您的程式碼,找出問題所在,因為它實在是一團糟?您是否對閱讀那些讓您更加困惑的所謂最佳實踐指南感到厭倦?

這本書《Python: 使用 Python 程式碼的最佳實踐》將為您提供一個簡明指南,教您如何撰寫更好的 Python 程式碼。通過這本書,您將學到:

  • Python 編碼的一般概念
  • Python 編碼的建議
  • 最佳的 Python 程式碼佈局方式
  • 如何撰寫註解
  • 應遵循的撰寫慣例
  • 如何撰寫函數和方法的參數
  • ... 還有更多!

書籍 3: Python: 高級指南 - 使用 Python 程式碼進行編程

您已經學會了 Python 的基礎知識,想要更進一步嗎?不確定該做什麼、該去哪裡或者應該學習哪些主題?

在這本 Python 高級指南中,您將會發現...

  • 理解推導式 - 學習如何使用構造從另一個序列建立序列
  • 迭代器和生成器 - 學習如何使用生成器函數和迭代器對象使您的程式碼更高效
  • 裝飾器 - 學習如何簡化調用高階函數的語法
  • 上下文管理器 - 通過正確管理資源來撰寫更有效的 Python 程式碼

  • 描述符 - 學習如何向對象添加受控屬性
  • ... 還有更多!

