Arduino + Visual Basic 6.0: Make your own software to control Arduino Robot
暫譯: Arduino 與 Visual Basic 6.0:自製控制 Arduino 機器人的軟體

Mr Ujash G Patel



This book deals with Arduino + Visual basic 6.0 Serial communication and is a most suitable book for the beginner people in the field of Arduino and Pc based controlling system .contains are also chosen according to the need of beginner learner . This book will help you to learn about Arduino and Visual basic 6.0 basic interfaces. as name suggest this is a practical book so nothing is going to describe in detail just follow the steps and you will able to control all motors , Leds , Arduino base wireless Robot with your own visual basic 6.0 software. A large number of program and do it yourself activity are included to help reader to get a clear understanding of practical controlling. Every example is described with suitable breadboard circuit which made with software. Which gives a clear idea about circuit implementation with Arduino . And again visual basic 6.0 is a ideal for beginner to make a some cool projects with Arduino . I do all the program with Visual Basic 6.0 which works fine with windows 7, windows 8 (according to Microsoft Product Detail). This book will help you 1. Control Leds with Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0. 2. Control Dc Motor With Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0. 3. Control Stepper Motor with Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0. 4. Control Servo Motor with Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0. 5. Make voice guidance program in Visual Basic 6.0 6. Interfacing RF Module with Arduino and Visual Basic 6.0. 7. Make simple Pc operated Wireless Arduino Robot.


本書探討 Arduino 與 Visual Basic 6.0 的串列通信,對於初學者在 Arduino 和基於 PC 的控制系統領域來說,是一本非常合適的書籍。內容也根據初學者的需求進行選擇。本書將幫助您了解 Arduino 和 Visual Basic 6.0 的基本介面。顧名思義,這是一本實用的書籍,因此不會詳細描述,只需按照步驟操作,您將能夠使用自己的 Visual Basic 6.0 軟體控制所有馬達、LED 燈和基於 Arduino 的無線機器人。本書包含大量的程式和自製活動,以幫助讀者清楚理解實際控制。每個範例都配有適合的麵包板電路,這些電路是使用 軟體製作的,能清楚展示 Arduino 的電路實現。此外,Visual Basic 6.0 是初學者製作一些酷炫專案的理想選擇。我使用 Visual Basic 6.0 編寫的所有程式在 Windows 7 和 Windows 8 上運行良好(根據 Microsoft 產品詳細資訊)。本書將幫助您:1. 使用 Arduino 和 Visual Basic 6.0 控制 LED 燈。2. 使用 Arduino 和 Visual Basic 6.0 控制直流馬達。3. 使用 Arduino 和 Visual Basic 6.0 控制步進馬達。4. 使用 Arduino 和 Visual Basic 6.0 控制伺服馬達。5. 在 Visual Basic 6.0 中製作語音引導程式。6. 與 Arduino 和 Visual Basic 6.0 介接 RF 模組。7. 製作簡單的 PC 操作無線 Arduino 機器人。