Talking to Robots: Tales from Our Human-Robot Futures
暫譯: 與機器人對話:我們人類與機器人未來的故事

Duncan, David Ewing

  • 出版商: Dutton Adult
  • 出版日期: 2019-07-16
  • 售價: $1,240
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,178
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 320
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 1524743593
  • ISBN-13: 9781524743598
  • 相關分類: 機器人製作 Robots
  • 無法訂購


Award-winning journalist David Ewing Duncan considers 24 visions of possible human-robot futures--Incredible scenarios from Teddy Bots to Warrior Bots, and Politician Bots to Sex Bots--Grounded in real technologies and possibilities and inspired by our imagination.

What robot and AI systems are being built and imagined right now? What do they say about us, their creators? Will they usher in a fantastic new future, or destroy us? What do some of our greatest thinkers, from physicist Brian Greene and futurist Kevin Kelly to inventor Dean Kamen, geneticist George Church, and filmmaker Tiffany Shlain, anticipate about our human-robot future? For even as robots and A.I. intrigue us and make us anxious about the future, our fascination with robots has always been about more than the potential of the technology-it's also about what robots tell us about being human.


獲獎記者大衛·尤因·鄧肯(David Ewing Duncan)考慮了24種可能的人類與機器人未來的願景——從泰迪機器人(Teddy Bots)到戰士機器人(Warrior Bots),再到政治家機器人(Politician Bots)和性機器人(Sex Bots)——這些情景都基於現實技術和可能性,並受到我們想像力的啟發。

目前正在建造和想像哪些機器人和人工智慧系統?這些系統對我們這些創造者有什麼啟示?它們會帶來一個奇妙的新未來,還是會毀滅我們?一些偉大的思想家,包括物理學家布萊恩·格林(Brian Greene)、未來學家凱文·凱利(Kevin Kelly)、發明家迪恩·卡門(Dean Kamen)、基因學家喬治·丘奇(George Church)和電影製作人蒂芬妮·施萊恩(Tiffany Shlain),對我們的人類與機器人未來有什麼預期?即使機器人和人工智慧讓我們感到興奮和焦慮,我們對機器人的著迷始終不僅僅是技術潛力的問題——它還關乎機器人告訴我們的有關人性的故事。


David Ewing Duncan is an award-winning science journalist in print, television, and radio; and the best-selling author of nine books published in 21 languages. He is Curator of Arc Fusion, a recent columnist for the Daily Beast, and a frequent contributor to Wired, Vanity Fair, MIT Technology Review, The New York Times, Atlantic, and others. He has also written for Fortune, National Geographic, Discover, Life, Outside, and Newsweek. He is a former commentator for NPR's Morning Edition, and a special correspondent and producer for ABC's Nightline. His book Calendar was a bestseller in 14 countries; he also wrote the bestseller Experimental Man. David's work has won numerous awards, including Magazine Story of the Year from AAAS. David [PE1] lives in San Francisco, where he is a member of the San Francisco Writer's Grotto, a writer's society.


大衛·尤因·鄧肯是一位獲獎的科學記者,活躍於印刷、電視和廣播領域;他是九本書的暢銷書作者,這些書籍已被翻譯成21種語言。他是Arc Fusion的策展人,曾擔任《Daily Beast》的專欄作家,並且經常為WiredVanity FairMIT Technology ReviewThe New York TimesAtlantic等媒體撰稿。他也曾為FortuneNational GeographicDiscoverLifeOutsideNewsweek撰寫文章。他曾是NPR《Morning Edition》的評論員,並擔任ABC《Nightline》的特派記者和製作人。他的書籍Calendar在14個國家成為暢銷書;他還撰寫了暢銷書Experimental Man。大衛的作品獲得了多項獎項,包括AAAS頒發的年度雜誌故事獎。大衛[PE1]居住在舊金山,並且是舊金山作家洞的成員,這是一個作家社團。