CASA Marketing: Intro to Google Analytics
暫譯: CASA 行銷:Google Analytics 入門

Todd Kelsey



Don't be alarmed! Analytics can be fun! LinkedIn consistently shows Digital/Online Marketing as a top skill that gets people hired, and Web Analytics is one of the core skills for online marketing. Analytics allows you to understand the performance of Websites and ad campaigns. The goal of this book is to introduce analytics for beginners, and to encourage readers to try it out and consider learning more. I also want to see if I convince you that it is actually fun. Web Analytics is becoming increasingly important to online marketers, as they seek to track return on investment, and optimize their websites. We’ll learn about Google Analytics, starting with creating a blog, and monitoring the number of people who see the blog posts and where they come from. -- (OUTLINE) CH1 - Overview: This chapter takes a look at what analytics is, and introduces related concepts CH2 - Blogalytics: a basic recipe to get started in analytics, to take the first step in being able to track web traffic and see what they’re up to. We’ll create a simple blog, start a Google Analytics account, and connect the two, and discuss things along the way. The goal is to make a simple, relevant way to start exploring analytics. CH3 - Getting Traffic for Analytics: In this chapter we’re going to look at a couple basic techniques to generate traffic for a blog or website, following on our previous chapter about creating a blog. The purpose of these chapters is to be a self-contained experiment. Ultimately you need traffic in order to be able to look at analytics, so this chapter has a few ways to generate traffic. CH 4 - Reviewing Performance of Campaigns: In this chapter, we’re going to take a light look at some of the ways you can see information about the performance of a website or campaign, as well as some related terms, and the idea of ongoing reporting. CH5 - Fun with eCommerce Analytics Part I - Shopify: Tracking ROI is a 50 billion dollar skill, because it’s at the core of Google’s success, and you could argue it’s a trillion dollar skill, because of how much revenue Google helps businesses to make. In this chapter we’re going to look at how to set up a Shopify account, which is one of the easiest ways to set up a “real” eCommerce system to learn about tracking ROI with analytics. I think it’s important to see how you can set things up so that when you make an ad, you can track exactly how much money you are making. CH6 - Fun with eCommerce Analytics Part II - Adwords: This is part 2 of a 2 chapter series, whose goal is to capture the “full life cycle” of analytics, and take a close look at ROI (return on investment). The goal is to shed light on an elusive quarry – when you are spending money on ads, how can analytics help you know how much money you are making? And the exciting thing is that Adwords provides a way to do this. Shopify provides a foundation for ecommerce, and Adwords provides a way to advertise a site, and then track conversion. CH7 - Fun with eCommerce Analytics - Gumroad: In this chapter we’re taking another look at ecommerce analytics, courtesy of Gumroad – a free, super easy to use platform. In some ways this chapter is a back-up to the previous two chapters, another way to learn about analytics in a live setting. CH8 - Exploring Google Analytics Certification: In this chapter we’re going to explore some of the opportunities that Google offers directly, in terms of learning material, and the Google Individual Qualification, which can be a nice thing to have on your website or resume.


別擔心!分析可以很有趣! LinkedIn 一直將數位/線上行銷列為最受雇用的頂尖技能,而網路分析則是線上行銷的核心技能之一。分析讓你能夠了解網站和廣告活動的表現。這本書的目標是為初學者介紹分析,並鼓勵讀者嘗試並考慮進一步學習。我也希望能說服你,這其實是很有趣的。

網路分析對於線上行銷人員變得越來越重要,因為他們尋求追蹤投資回報率並優化他們的網站。我們將學習 Google Analytics,從創建一個部落格開始,並監控看到部落格文章的人數及其來源。

-- (大綱)

CH1 - 概述:本章將探討什麼是分析,並介紹相關概念。

CH2 - Blogalytics:一個基本的入門食譜,讓你能夠開始進行分析,邁出追蹤網路流量和了解用戶行為的第一步。我們將創建一個簡單的部落格,啟動一個 Google Analytics 帳戶,並將兩者連接起來,並在過程中討論相關事項。目標是提供一個簡單且相關的方式來開始探索分析。

CH3 - 獲取分析流量:在本章中,我們將探討幾種基本技術,以為部落格或網站生成流量,這是基於我們前一章關於創建部落格的內容。這些章節的目的是成為一個獨立的實驗。最終,你需要流量才能查看分析,因此本章提供幾種生成流量的方法。

CH4 - 審查活動表現:在本章中,我們將輕鬆地探討一些查看網站或活動表現資訊的方法,以及一些相關術語和持續報告的概念。

CH5 - 與電子商務分析的樂趣 第一部分 - Shopify:追蹤投資回報率是一項價值 500 億美元的技能,因為它是 Google 成功的核心,你可以說這是一項價值 1 兆美元的技能,因為 Google 幫助企業創造了如此多的收入。在本章中,我們將探討如何設置 Shopify 帳戶,這是設置“真正”的電子商務系統以學習如何用分析追蹤投資回報率的最簡單方法之一。我認為了解如何設置這些內容是很重要的,這樣當你製作廣告時,你可以準確追蹤你賺了多少錢。

CH6 - 與電子商務分析的樂趣 第二部分 - Adwords:這是兩章系列的第二部分,目標是捕捉分析的“完整生命週期”,並仔細查看投資回報率(ROI)。目標是揭示一個難以捉摸的獵物——當你在廣告上花錢時,分析如何幫助你知道你賺了多少錢?令人興奮的是,Adwords 提供了一種方法來做到這一點。Shopify 為電子商務提供了基礎,而 Adwords 則提供了一種廣告網站並追蹤轉換的方法。

CH7 - 與電子商務分析的樂趣 - Gumroad:在本章中,我們將再次探討電子商務分析,這次是透過 Gumroad——一個免費且超易於使用的平台。在某些方面,本章是對前兩章的補充,提供另一種在實際環境中學習分析的方法。

CH8 - 探索 Google Analytics 認證:在本章中,我們將探索 Google 直接提供的一些學習材料和 Google 個人資格認證的機會,這在你的網站或履歷上都是一個不錯的加分項。