A Python Primer for ArcGIS®: Workbook II

Nathan Jennings



A Python Primer for ArcGIS® Workbook II (2 of 3) The automation of geoprocessing tasks is a common practice among GIS professionals. Python is the standard programming language for ArcGIS and other fields such as remote sensing, GPS, spatial modeling, and statistical analysis. A Python Primer for ArcGIS® Workbook series combines fundamental Python programming structures to help professionals automate common geoprocessing functions. Thorough explanations of programming concepts are included along with user-friendly demonstrations that enable readers to develop programs on their own. In addition, chapters contain exercises and questions that aid in the application of each chapter’s highlighted principles. Workbook II continues where Workbook I (The Fundamentals) left off so the programmer can continue to build and expand his or her knowledge, skills, and abilities to develop code strategies for common GIS tasks and processes.

Workbook I can be ordered here: https://www.createspace.com/5205001

A Python Primer for ArcGIS® Workbook III (in press) covers creating custom Python tools and script automation. Workbook I, which cover the fundamentals, can be ordered here: https://www.createspace.com/5205001

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《ArcGIS® Python 入門工作手冊 II(3 本中的第 2 本)》

自動化地理處理任務是 GIS 專業人士的常見做法。Python 是 ArcGIS 的標準程式語言,並且在遙感、GPS、空間建模和統計分析等領域也廣泛應用。

《ArcGIS® Python 入門工作手冊》系列結合了基本的 Python 程式設計結構,幫助專業人士自動化常見的地理處理功能。書中包含了對程式設計概念的詳細解釋,以及用戶友好的示範,讓讀者能夠獨立開發程式。此外,各章節還包含練習和問題,幫助讀者應用每章所強調的原則。

工作手冊 II 繼續從工作手冊 I(基礎知識)所結束的地方開始,讓程式設計師能夠持續擴展其知識、技能和能力,以開發針對常見 GIS 任務和流程的程式策略。

工作手冊 I 可在此訂購: https://www.createspace.com/5205001

《ArcGIS® Python 入門工作手冊 III(即將出版)》涵蓋了創建自定義 Python 工具和腳本自動化的內容。工作手冊 I 涵蓋基礎知識,可在此訂購: https://www.createspace.com/5205001


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