No SEO Forever: Focus On Ultimate Traffic Sources That Are More Reliable, Stable, and Viral (REAL MARKETING SHIT) (Volume 1)
暫譯: 不再依賴SEO:專注於更可靠、穩定且具病毒性的終極流量來源(真正的行銷實務)(第一卷)

Harshajyoti Das



I am so tired of PENGUIN and PANDA updates. Aren't you?

After reading this book, it will change your view on online marketing.

Just as a river carries water to the ocean, Google drives traffic to these ultimate traffic sources. Would you rather swim in an ocean or river?

During the last 2 years, Google has rolled out more updates than they have in the previous 10 years. I have personally seen businesses going either bankrupt or suffering severe losses.

Google updates have harmed businesses that solely relied on Google organic traffic more than those who used PPC advertising, social media, and email marketing.

Traffic sources that we will discuss in this book:

1. Blogs 2. Forums 3. Q and A Sites 4. Kindle Books 5. Emails 6. Build an 'Asian Sales Army' (special chapter you can't miss)


我對於 PENGUIN 和 PANDA 的更新感到非常厭倦。你不是嗎?


就像河流將水帶入海洋,Google 將流量引導至這些最終的流量來源。你比較想在海洋中游泳還是在河流中游泳?

在過去的兩年中,Google 推出了比前十年更多的更新。我親眼目睹了許多企業要麼破產,要麼遭受嚴重損失。

Google 的更新對於完全依賴 Google 自然流量的企業造成的傷害,遠超過那些使用 PPC 廣告、社交媒體和電子郵件行銷的企業。


1. 部落格
2. 論壇
3. 問答網站
4. Kindle 書籍
5. 電子郵件
6. 建立一支「亞洲銷售軍」(特別章節,你絕對不能錯過)